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Why aren't you attracted to apes?

Could be due to some form of “uncanny valley” situation putting them somewhere between human and animal while not leaning enough in either direction for either side to find it appealing.

Also personally I’ve learned enough about apes to consider them both unhygienic and violent.
Could be due to some form of “uncanny valley” situation putting them somewhere between human and animal while not leaning enough in either direction for either side to find it appealing.

Also personally I’ve learned enough about apes to consider them both unhygienic and violent.
How do you know there unhygienic?
Well there are actually quite a few species that don’t practice grooming at all, leaving them about as clean as whatever they have come into contact with. This includes less desirable things that I will not mention here. While I do admit calling all species unhygienic is a stretch, I still wouldn’t come into contact with one.
I see a wide range of animals that people are attracted to here on zooville, by why no apes?
Chimpanzees and bonobos are our closest relatives after all, so why does it seem like more people don't like them?
It might be due to the fear mongering about diseases that probably came from them and their insane strength. I wouldn't bother because of the possibility of them ripping my face off if they go bonkers. However I will say bonobos have nice vaginas.
Their faces are too human and thus on some level they register as ugly or retarded humans to me. Plus they seem so unpredictable.
I feel like apes are either too funny or ugly looking tbh, but if your into that its whatever. I do remember hearing a story years back about a village somewhere in Asia who had a local orangutan prostitute men would pay to fuck so I guess theres a market for it
You know, I've never really thought about it, but I'm not attracted to them in the least. You would think it would be just the opposite, the more human looking, the more attracted I would be. Not to mention even if I was, my chances of ever seeing one, let alone having a sexual encounter with one would be slim to none (not a whole lot of apes outside zoos, in the US). Huh, weird, maybe somebody should do a study on that.
Most people aren't raised around them, or exposed to their sexuality growing up. Dogs and horses are very much part of most people's development. I feel like every time I flipped on discovery channel as a kid I saw lions having sex too...We're just products of our environment 🤷‍♂️