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Why are literally all E-Mail services blocked?


Like, a week ago, there came the message that "Zooville can't send mails to my mail account" so i had to re-verify my e-mail adress.
Since i'm german, i use "web.de" or "googlemail" but way more services are now blocked from Zooville team, because... security? But why tho?
Instead, we have to use some weird mail account from "Protonmail".

It took a long time, until i knew whats REALLY going on. It's not even explained anywhere. I found that message somehwere here explaining that "All mail services are blocked because security. You MUST use protonmail".
It all happened so fast and unexpected. I didnt even get answers from the support, because i gave my web.de e-mail adress. Even the support can't answer there. Really weird
But why tho?
Fear and paranoia, which results in "forcing what's best on others". People don't even get a choice.

Let people decide for themselves. That's what I say.
We always blocked other services. Personally I feel like at least a couple of more privacy type sites were allowed, but only proton was allowed since the start of the site. If you got in before it was set that way, then you had no choice but to change it to a proton address.
But why tho?
To prevent you from using an email that you use for anything else and can be traced back to you. The first verision of ZV was shut down because of a use registration information data breach. Every emsil became available of the darkweb for sale. If that same email were in any other data breaches it could be used to cirrolate data and identify you, there are at least a couple on here who that did happen to. They got direct emails identifying them by real life information and threatened with blackmail re this site.
Personally I feel like at least a couple of more privacy type sites were allowed
It originally took all but the big few, yahoo/gmail/hotmail/icloud. I signed up with an old mail.com address, that I've since deleted, and it's still the email tied to this account.
For safety reasons. Many email providers are hacked. Many idiots register here with their personal email addresses. Just look at how many people set their face as an avatar. ?
For safety reasons. Many email providers are hacked. Many idiots register here with their personal email addresses. Just look at how many people set their face as an avatar. ?
There is a reason people choose to be stupid. Literary. You can't cure stupid by coddling people. Warn and inform, sure, but remove options and people feel like they don't have a choice. People will choose self destruction just to know they have a choice.

It's about the mods own necks. They're afraid of their site being shut down again. That's why.

The first verision of ZV was shut down because of a use registration information data breach. Every emsil became available of the darkweb for sale.
As seen here. Why didn't staff admit this? Why is none staff informing us? I find this alone suspect.

If you act like you have something to hide then people go snooping. Do you think the law will go away when they inevitably notice? Have a plan for that. Be prepared. There's a reason people that do "public" crime get away with it more. Hiding just shows guilt. Basically if you "act guilty" then people come down harder on you. Here's the irony though. Provided people make a stand and point out how the other side is just as, if not more guilty somehow then they can't touch you.

I'll give you an example. The law puts young black boys in the electric chair. At that point it's legal murder. Once you knock people off their high horse somehow they can't do jack shit.

A site on the dark web known as Silkroad got pretty far. If it had just stuck to drugs it might have been fine. The law was "allowing" it. It started involving guns though. People talked about Hitmen. That's the point the person that made Silk Road got jail. As long as we aren't doing anything like this then we're a small fish in a big pond.

It's important to have a low profile, but do it in "sneaky" ways and people go hunting for answers. Keep a low profile in more honest ways and it removes the desire to go digging for answers. Mantaining that balance is something of an art. At some point people will get on the sites back. It's bound to happen. Then what do you do?

One lesson my dad taught me. Be prepared for the worst. If you don't have a plan then you're not prepared.
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To be honest, i really used my big main email account for this first (until that email error popped up). But only did that to kinda say "i accept this wrbsite as is, and i'd even like to get zooville newsletters, no problem".
Web.de seems to be germany only, if i'm correct. I get that said mail service is kinda insecure. But at least a little warning e-mail beforehand would have helped. Like a big warning as e-mail as well as on the zooville main page saying "due to security risks, we want you guys to use Protonmail as email login".

Ok thank you all for this talk. Now i know more
As seen here. Why didn't staff admit this? Why is none staff informing us? I find this alone suspect.
WE DID!!!! But who the fuck reads? It's clear you don't. We have a whole thread detailing what exactly happened, how much we spent of OUR money to try and fix it only to get burned by those motherfuckers and... You know what? Fuck it. No one is going to read this anyways.
WE DID!!!! But who the fuck reads? It's clear you don't. We have a whole thread detailing what exactly happened, how much we spent of OUR money to try and fix it only to get burned by those motherfuckers and... You know what? Fuck it. No one is going to read this anyways.
Oh, some of us read it. But there are those, like this @Mesond creature, who have no clue about the history of the joint, but are convinced they have all the answers anyway, and go out of their way to look for conspiracies to prop up their delusions of persecution.
WE DID!!!! But who the fuck reads? It's clear you don't. We have a whole thread detailing what exactly happened, how much we spent of OUR money to try and fix it only to get burned by those motherfuckers and... You know what? Fuck it. No one is going to read this anyways.
You're talking about another thread instead of what the other mod stated in this one. It helps to give reasons and context.

I'm also aware of other threads that talk about being more open with Zoovile. You're freaking out becauese you're assuming.

I read what you type. Assuming otherwise doesn't change that. I'm testing you. Pushing your buttons.

Oh, some of us read it. But there are those, like this @Mesond creature, who have no clue about the history of the joint, but are convinced they have all the answers anyway, and go out of their way to look for conspiracies to prop up their delusions of persecution.
I'm not the deluded one here. You mock what you do not understand. It doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look desperate. Possiby even jealous. You got a problem with me reading what people type and paying attention to it when I call them out?

Tel me something. Why don't people admit their own bullshit when I call it out? It's almost as if people are afraid of being proven wrong. How desperate people are when I point out their own actions. How quickly they try to twist the topic on me instead of considering what they do themselves. All blame, no accountability. At least I ask questions. Questions people often avoid. That doesn't count the mods here. They do straight answers better. Can't say the same for others. Mocking me doesn't make you "right". It only shows you mock what you don't understand. Feeling good about yourself?
You're talking about another thread instead of what the other mod stated in this one. It helps to give reasons and context.

I'm also aware of other threads that talk about being more open with Zoovile. You're freaking out becauese you're assuming.

I read what you type. Assuming otherwise doesn't change that. I'm testing you. Pushing your buttons.

I'm not the deluded one here. You mock what you do not understand. It doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look desperate. Possiby even jealous. You got a problem with me reading what people type and paying attention to it when I call them out?

Tel me something. Why don't people admit their own bullshit when I call it out? It's almost as if people are afraid of being proven wrong. How desperate people are when I point out their own actions. How quickly they try to twist the topic on me instead of considering what they do themselves. All blame, no accountability. At least I ask questions. Questions people often avoid. That doesn't count the mods here. They do straight answers better. Can't say the same for others. Mocking me doesn't make you "right". It only shows you mock what you don't understand. Feeling good about yourself?
Oh for fucks sake. Stop with the fucking double speak. I am replying to exactly this (even took a screen shot to make it easier for you to comprehend). I don't care about the rest of your whiney babble.

The fact that you just got caught in a lie makes absolutely everything else you type pure bullshit.
You're talking about another thread instead of what the other mod stated in this one. It helps to give reasons and context.

I'm also aware of other threads that talk about being more open with Zoovile. You're freaking out becauese you're assuming.

I read what you type. Assuming otherwise doesn't change that. I'm testing you. Pushing your buttons.

I'm not the deluded one here. You mock what you do not understand. It doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look desperate. Possiby even jealous. You got a problem with me reading what people type and paying attention to it when I call them out?

Tel me something. Why don't people admit their own bullshit when I call it out? It's almost as if people are afraid of being proven wrong. How desperate people are when I point out their own actions. How quickly they try to twist the topic on me instead of considering what they do themselves. All blame, no accountability. At least I ask questions. Questions people often avoid. That doesn't count the mods here. They do straight answers better. Can't say the same for others. Mocking me doesn't make you "right". It only shows you mock what you don't understand. Feeling good about yourself?
Funny - You're nothing near "right". You're not even within the same square of latitude/longitude with "right". You're spewing bullshit, you got called on it, and now you're trying to claim that those who called you are wrong. Standard tactic amongst clueless trolls.

Those of us who were actually here at the time know the full story. Or should I say "history"? As in, events that happened in the past, and are no longer relevant, so rarely, if ever, get mentioned, since there's little or no point in bothering to do so.

Do, go on with your persecution fantasies, though - It's rather amusing watching you twitch like a pithed frog...
Oh for fucks sake. Stop with the fucking double speak. I am replying to exactly this (even took a screen shot to make it easier for you to comprehend). I don't care about the rest of your whiney babble.

View attachment 490973
The fact that you just got caught in a lie makes absolutely everything else you type pure bullshit.
There is no "double speak". it's a misunderstanding. I thought you was talking about another thread at first. There's also only one other comment from a mod before your privious comment. Which did not go into enough context. Not enough "why" of the matter in their comment. That's why. Other users commenting are not mods. I was refering to where mods specifically are concerend. I'm not saying anyone is witholding information on purpose. It just helps to give reasons when people are asking why. If the first post is asking why then... why? Which was explained by another user that was not a mod afterwards.

I'm just explaining the situation as I see it. You didn't ask me what I was suspect about did you? It's the none intended oversights that cause lack of communication. What did you think I meant?

Also, you did say in capital letters "OUR money". Doesn't that kind of prove my point? It's you that's swearing and being defensive after you gave up easily. You do realize you're showing how insecure you are don't you? Not saying you can't be. I'm just saying you're proving my point about how mods get overly defensive. You made the site and you use your money. So you're getting worried whenever you feel like it's "in danger". Or feel taken for granted.
Funny - You're nothing near "right". You're not even within the same square of latitude/longitude with "right". You're spewing bullshit, you got called on it, and now you're trying to claim that those who called you are wrong. Standard tactic amongst clueless trolls.

Those of us who were actually here at the time know the full story. Or should I say "history"? As in, events that happened in the past, and are no longer relevant, so rarely, if ever, get mentioned, since there's little or no point in bothering to do so.

Do, go on with your persecution fantasies, though - It's rather amusing watching you twitch like a pithed frog...
You are incorrect. You don't say why I'm wrong. You're being that petty person acting "in the right". You're the one that decided to make this a personal attack.

You didn't try to get the full story. You made ZERO atttempt. Don't give advice you can't even follow yourself.

Making this about something it's not also shows how desperate you are to change the topic. It doesn't make you "right". Just proves you're the one spewing bullshit. You didn't answer my questions either. How ironic you complain about the full story but avoid it. You can't handle the truth. You'd rather cling to your expectations and delusions instead.

It's not the hypocrosy that bothers me. It's the lack of accountability when you're called out on it.
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You are incorrect. You don't say why I'm wrong. You're being that petty person acting "in the right".

Except rather than *ACTING* "in the right", by some strange coincidence (OK, not coincidence - just a side-effect of being grounded in reality) the fact is that I *AM* in the right. Doncha just hate it when that happens?

You're the one that decided to make this a personal attack.

Uh-huh... Pull the other one - It plays "God Save the Queen".

You didn't try to get the fulls tory. You made ZERO atttempt. Don't give advice you can't even follow yourself.

I don't need to "try to get" the full story, as I was here when it happened and watched it unfold pretty much in real-time. The bare-bones version is that the site has, practically from the beginning, if not actually from day one, refused all email addresses not with protonmail. As I recall, that was an early security decision intended to minimize the possibility of exposing user data that could cause harm. Early in the "get the place rolling" stage, an exploit against the board software in use at the time was employed (against not only this place, but a whole laundry list of forums that ran the same software) to harvest user data. As a result, the site shut down for a time, and the hacked/hackable software was dumped (along with all site content, user data, etc), new software was adopted/installed/configured/etc, and the site was brought back online, people had to sign up again since their old login info was gone, and here we are today.

What's to "get"? And where's the sinister conspiracy you speak of? (I mean other than in your imagination)

If, rather than bitching about some conspiracy you apparently have a wild hair up your ass about, you'd dug through the forum, you'd find multiple threads discussing the events that occurred, in various levels of detail. Hell, I might have even been a participant in one or more of them - I honestly can't recall. But no, you'd rather turn this into some sort of sinister "The mods are in cahoots to" ... uh... Hrrrrrmmm... to WHAT, precisely? You were rather vague as to what you think the mods are conspiring to do.

Making this about something it's not also shows how desperate you are to change the topic. It doesn't make you "right". Jsut proves you're the one spewing bullshit. You didn't answer my quesitons either. How ironic you complain about the full story but avoid it.

Some old, very wise advice seems to apply here: When you find you've dug yourself into a hole, it's a good idea to put the shovel down. You're in plenty deep from what I can see. You sure you really want to call somebody to bring you a backhoe?
Except rather than *ACTING* "in the right", by some strange coincidence (OK, not coincidence - just a side-effect of being grounded in reality) the fact is that I *AM* in the right. Doncha just hate it when that happens?

Uh-huh... Pull the other one - It plays "God Save the Queen".

I don't need to "try to get" the full story, as I was here when it happened and watched it unfold pretty much in real-time. The bare-bones version is that the site has, practically from the beginning, if not actually from day one, refused all email addresses not with protonmail. As I recall, that was an early security decision intended to minimize the possibility of exposing user data that could cause harm. Early in the "get the place rolling" stage, an exploit against the board software in use at the time was employed (against not only this place, but a whole laundry list of forums that ran the same software) to harvest user data. As a result, the site shut down for a time, and the hacked/hackable software was dumped (along with all site content, user data, etc), new software was adopted/installed/configured/etc, and the site was brought back online, people had to sign up again since their old login info was gone, and here we are today.

What's to "get"? And where's the sinister conspiracy you speak of? (I mean other than in your imagination)

If, rather than bitching about some conspiracy you apparently have a wild hair up your ass about, you'd dug through the forum, you'd find multiple threads discussing the events that occurred, in various levels of detail. Hell, I might have even been a participant in one or more of them - I honestly can't recall. But no, you'd rather turn this into some sort of sinister "The mods are in cahoots to" ... uh... Hrrrrrmmm... to WHAT, precisely? You were rather vague as to what you think the mods are conspiring to do.

Some old, very wise advice seems to apply here: When you find you've dug yourself into a hole, it's a good idea to put the shovel down. You're in plenty deep from what I can see. You sure you really want to call somebody to bring you a backhoe?
You saying you're in the right doesn't make you right. It only proves how wrong you are. You're desperate to be in the right.

Those of us who were actually here at the time know the full story.
Thesea are your words. Either you know what you're talking about or you don't. And you didn't ask me or try to get my context before. You speak from ignorance. Who said I was talking about the site when I was talking to you? You're assuming. Incorrectly. You avoided my privous questions. Thus you continued to assume.

What's to "get"? And where's the sinister conspiracy you speak of? (I mean other than in your imagination)
I thought you said you're in ther right and don't need the full story from me. You clearly know everything. So why don't you tell me? Go on. You're so "in the right". Prove it.

I honestly can't recall. But no, you'd rather turn this into some sort of sinister "The mods are in cahoots to" ... uh... Hrrrrrmmm... to WHAT, precisely? You were rather vague as to what you think the mods are conspiring to do.
You clearly didn't read my privious comment. I specifically said I'm sure withholding informaiton wasn't intended. It still doesn't excuse swearing and shouting however. I'm quite calm here. I'm not emplying dishonest sarcasm and acting "in the right" on a high horse. That's you.
You saying you're in the right doesn't make you right. It only proves how wrong you are. You're desperate to be in the right.

Thesea are your words. Either you know what you're talking about or you don't. And you didn't ask me or try to get my context before. You speak from ignorance. Who said I was talking about the site when I was talking to you? You're assuming. Incorrectly. You avoided my privous questions. Thus you continued to assume.

I thought you said you're in ther right and don't need the full story from me. You clearly know everything. So why don't you tell me? Go on. You're so "in the right". Prove it.

You clearly didn't read my privious comment. I specifically said I'm sure withholding informaiton wasn't intended. It still doesn't excuse swearing and shouting however. I'm quite calm here. I'm not emplying dishonest sarcasm and acting "in the right" on a high horse. That's you.
Whatever... You're dismissed. Have a good ol' time, kiddo...
Whatever... You're dismissed. Have a good ol' time, kiddo...
So you're an idiot fleeing with your assumptions when you don't like what you hear. Just proves you're lying.

All cowards are liars. You seem awfully desperate to avoid straight answers whe asked questions. That is avoiding the truth.
So you're an idiot fleeing with your assumptions when you don't like what you hear. Just proves you're lying.

All cowards are liars. You seem awfully desperate to avoid straight answers whe asked questions. That is avoiding the truth.
Whatever, kiddo. You're dismissed.
You saying you're in the right doesn't make you right. It only proves how wrong you are. You're desperate to be in the right.

Thesea are your words. Either you know what you're talking about or you don't. And you didn't ask me or try to get my context before. You speak from ignorance. Who said I was talking about the site when I was talking to you? You're assuming. Incorrectly. You avoided my privous questions. Thus you continued to assume.
Just like you need to know what you're talking about. It was a version of a forum that was discovered to have an exploit.. Surely you think I'm just making it up, so I'll let you run with it.
Why do zoo sites even shut down? Beastbook for example. Were they "too" open to everyone and then police found them?
And exploits and all that. Why would someone want to hack a pr0n site? Just for fun? To tell on police?
There is no "double speak". it's a misunderstanding. I thought you was talking about another thread at first. There's also only one other comment from a mod before your privious comment. Which did not go into enough context. Not enough "why" of the matter in their comment. That's why. Other users commenting are not mods. I was refering to where mods specifically are concerend. I'm not saying anyone is witholding information on purpose. It just helps to give reasons when people are asking why. If the first post is asking why then... why? Which was explained by another user that was not a mod afterwards.

I'm just explaining the situation as I see it. You didn't ask me what I was suspect about did you? It's the none intended oversights that cause lack of communication. What did you think I meant?

Also, you did say in capital letters "OUR money". Doesn't that kind of prove my point? It's you that's swearing and being defensive after you gave up easily. You do realize you're showing how insecure you are don't you? Not saying you can't be. I'm just saying you're proving my point about how mods get overly defensive. You made the site and you use your money. So you're getting worried whenever you feel like it's "in danger". Or feel taken for granted.
Try harder. Not only are you projecting, but you are attempting to deflect. I was crystal clear when I called you out on your bullshit. There is no interpretation. There is no "well if you take it in this context" bullshit. You made a clear erroneous statement, and I (along with several others) corrected you.
Why do zoo sites even shut down? Beastbook for example. Were they "too" open to everyone and then police found them?
And exploits and all that. Why would someone want to hack a pr0n site? Just for fun? To tell on police?
Haven't heard of Beastbook, but Zoosbook was ran by someone who had no idea how to run a site, and some guy who was all talk and no show didn't keep it up. There's no one answer. There can be many. The incident ZV had wasn't specific to us, it was something from the software itself.
Haven't heard of Beastbook, but Zoosbook was ran by someone who had no idea how to run a site, and some guy who was all talk and no show didn't keep it up. There's no one answer. There can be many. The incident ZV had wasn't specific to us, it was something from the software itself.
And hit who-knows-how-many other forums that operated using the same software, all within a few hours. If anybody has actually (and factually, as opposed to a bunch of wild-ass guesses) identified the perpetrators, I've never heard, but it's pretty clear it was a case of "we've found an exploit, so how many email addresses and other personal info can we snatch for resale on the spam-list market?"