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Why are Horses so sexy?


Hey guys,

I usually wouldnt even consider myself zoophile...BUT I have no idea why mare's turn me on so extremly. Never in my life Ive been so aroused like seeing a winking mare. Also human penis seems to match their pussy so great. Why is that? Is it just the look? Are men just extremly horny in general?

And: Do you think more men would have sex with horses if it wouldnt be a "taboo" in soeciety?
Hey guys,

I usually wouldnt even consider myself zoophile...BUT I have no idea why mare's turn me on so extremly. Never in my life Ive been so aroused like seeing a winking mare. Also human penis seems to match their pussy so great. Why is that? Is it just the look? Are men just extremly horny in general?

And: Do you think more men would have sex with horses if it wouldnt be a "taboo" in soeciety?
You know, there is probably something to the closeness in construction of human pheromones as compared to equine pheromones. From a scientific perspective, that may explain a lot.

Outside of that, they are indeed very sexy. No contest here.
In my opinion the longer an animal has been domesticated an the more closely our ancestors worked with them the more we begin to see those animals as less foreign and more like us. And what are the animals that humans have historically worked most closely alongside? Canines and Equines. Aside from being viewed as more intelligent I think that theory also explains why most people are appalled at the idea of eating dogs or horses. Take a city person whose never seen a horse in real life and they would still most likely refuse to eat horse. Cow, goat, pig, sure but horse? And that despite cows being domesticated thousands of years before horses. but cows didn't kindle that close working relationship with Humans like horses did, working in tandem with us to accomplish our tasks. And that's kind of my theory, having worked as partners with horses for so long (and dogs even before that) maybe subconsciously we begun to see them as just differently shaped people and therefore less animal than friend and family and in our case as zoophiles, possible sexual partners. Thank you for coming to my TedX talk