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Which country has the most fans of bestiality?


I don't know if any scientific research has been done on this, or even here on the forum. But I'm curious to know the answer if anyone knows.

I see a lot more people from the US, Germany and Russia here on the forum. I think this would be important information for the community.

I just think it's important to point out that we can't confuse the amount of pornography produced by studios in certain locations as a parameter of that country's adherence. For example, in the 90s and 2000s there was a lot of Brazilian zoo porn, however the number of Brazilians on forums, websites and homemade porn is much lower than in certain countries that didn't have large production studios. In fact, South America is quite scarce on the subject.

If any of you have information about this I would be very grateful, it would help to understand more about how we are in the world.
Judging who is on the forum isn't the same as trying to determine who is zoo. The Forum adds a few extra requirements, while common in our culture is not necessarily prevalent elsewhere.

Just a few thoughts include
1. Private PC access
2. Private Internet access
3. Private file/browser/etc
4. Ability to understand written English.
5. Desire to communicate over the internet for social fulfillment.

So what you have here is a cross section of the prerequisites to join an internet forum regardless of content, plus the niche of zoo with the likely need for privacy.
conpared to country size i think denmark and germany but i guess it maybe has something to do with when it was banned .