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What’s your MBTI?



You can take the most popular test for MBTI results here: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

There are other ones you can search up and take, as it is common to get mistyped as one result, when you may be something else. (My bf got mistyped as INFP, he relates more to INFJ, for example.)

Well, I am an ISFP-A. ISFP’s are artistic, drawn to beauty, aesthetics, don’t like to be boxed in by whatever society has going on, enjoy nature/being outdoors, connect well with animals and children. Introverted— and hard to get to know usually. We tend to be aloof, mysterious sometimes. We really like music and tend to be audiophiles. My bf is an INFJ, one of my close girl friends is also an INFJ, and my closest girl friend is an INTJ. I typically get along with INTJ’s, INFJ’s, xSFJ’s pretty well. I don’t get along with xSTJ’s, though. Not usually. And xNTP types.

Im pleasently surprised by this survey. Its very accurate. And i guess now people can understand me alittle better.
MBTI has been around some time and is used in - comparatively - a lot of companies in the US and UK to try and build better teams for projects. I have known my INTJness for like a decade and have tried sometimes to even introduce myself this way to speed up the get-to-know process.

On the other hand they say MBTI has more marketing people than any actual scientists or so.

Because I am an ENTP personality type, I am also the sort of personality type that will point out to you that there is nothing magical at all about this test. There just isn't.

Let me instead try boiling it down to a set of simpler questions:

E/I: "Do you feel that you are an outgoing person?"

N/S: "Do imagination or any kind of abstract ideas matter to you more than 'doing stuff'?"

T/F: "Would you agree that it is unprincipled to be too readily swayed by emotional appeals?"

P/J: "Do tend to feel anxious and claustrophobic when you have closed off your options or alternatives?"

It comes down to literally four simple questions that are phrased in different ways. The reason why you take a lengthy personality test in order to arrive at your REAL answer is that different people interpret the same questions in different ways. They might feel socially obligated to say "Yes, I am outgoing," but in actual practice, if you asked them if they preferred going to a smaller party with close friends or a large one where they could meet strangers, they might feel more comfortable with people that it's less emotional labor for them to try to interact with. Phrasing the same questions in lots of different ways helps open us up to giving more honest answers that are closer to the truth. Different phrasings help you to reframe the same question in a different light that makes you feel more open to answering honestly.

There is nothing magical about it. It's just four simple questions. People that are skeptical about the validity of the test often have an exaggerated idea of how complex it really is. It's merely because of simple combinatorics that it delivers 16 "types." It's basically a mathematical hat trick, and while it's a cute mathematical hat trick, it's still just a mathematical hat trick. EVEN SO, the way that you answer those four simple questions still gives other people important information about you, so it's worth answering.

An example of how it's important is this: because I am a perceiving type, I might sympathize more readily with socially unpopular groups of people, and I am deeply skeptical of conventional wisdom about anything. I am likely to see conventional wisdom as a challenge for me to contradict it. As a consequence, you shouldn't be surprised if I have some really offbeat gonzo views. It's not that I am part of some weird cult. I am just questioning mainstream assumptions and diverging from the mob because that is what I do.
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I took this before when someone shared this with me years ago. Then forgot about it... Seems I still have the same result.... Yep, highly accurate.

Type:Turbulent Virtuoso?
Strategy:Constant Improvement?

Because I am an ENTP personality type, I am also the sort of personality type that will point out to you that there is nothing magical at all about this test. There just isn't.

Let me instead try boiling it down to a set of simpler questions:

E/I: "Do you feel that you are an outgoing person?"

N/S: "Do imagination or any kind of abstract ideas matter to you more than 'doing stuff'?"

T/F: "Would you agree that it is unprincipled to be too readily swayed by emotional appeals?"

P/J: "Do tend to feel anxious and claustrophobic when you have closed off your options or alternatives?"

It comes down to literally four simple questions that are phrased in different ways. The reason why you take a lengthy personality test in order to arrive at your REAL answer is that different people interpret the same questions in different ways. They might feel socially obligated to say "Yes, I am outgoing," but in actual practice, if you asked them if they preferred going to a smaller party with close friends or a large one where they could meet strangers, they might feel more comfortable with people that it's less emotional labor for them to try to interact with. Phrasing the same questions in lots of different ways helps open us up to giving more honest answers that are closer to the truth. Different phrasings help you to reframe the same question in a different light that makes you feel more open to answering honestly.

There is nothing magical about it. It's just four simple questions. People that are skeptical about the validity of the test often have an exaggerated idea of how complex it really is. It's merely because of simple combinatorics that it delivers 16 "types." It's basically a mathematical hat trick, and while it's a cute mathematical hat trick, it's still just a mathematical hat trick. EVEN SO, the way that you answer those four simple questions still gives other people important information about you, so it's worth answering.

An example of how it's important is this: because I am a perceiving type, I might sympathize more readily with socially unpopular groups of people, and I am deeply skeptical of conventional wisdom about anything. I am likely to see conventional wisdom as a challenge for me to contradict it. As a consequence, you shouldn't be surprised if I have some really offbeat gonzo views. It's not that I am part of some weird cult. I am just questioning mainstream assumptions and diverging from the mob because that is what I do.

What he said, just shorter. ... it is for these reasons that i am slightly reminded of "cold reading" when reading the descriptions.
Do you guys relate to the results? Lol :3 thanks for commenting! I like personality quizzes and understanding people.

Because I am an ENTP personality type, I am also the sort of personality type that will point out to you that there is nothing magical at all about this test. There just isn't.

Let me instead try boiling it down to a set of simpler questions:

E/I: "Do you feel that you are an outgoing person?"

N/S: "Do imagination or any kind of abstract ideas matter to you more than 'doing stuff'?"

T/F: "Would you agree that it is unprincipled to be too readily swayed by emotional appeals?"

P/J: "Do tend to feel anxious and claustrophobic when you have closed off your options or alternatives?"

It comes down to literally four simple questions that are phrased in different ways. The reason why you take a lengthy personality test in order to arrive at your REAL answer is that different people interpret the same questions in different ways. They might feel socially obligated to say "Yes, I am outgoing," but in actual practice, if you asked them if they preferred going to a smaller party with close friends or a large one where they could meet strangers, they might feel more comfortable with people that it's less emotional labor for them to try to interact with. Phrasing the same questions in lots of different ways helps open us up to giving more honest answers that are closer to the truth. Different phrasings help you to reframe the same question in a different light that makes you feel more open to answering honestly.

There is nothing magical about it. It's just four simple questions. People that are skeptical about the validity of the test often have an exaggerated idea of how complex it really is. It's merely because of simple combinatorics that it delivers 16 "types." It's basically a mathematical hat trick, and while it's a cute mathematical hat trick, it's still just a mathematical hat trick. EVEN SO, the way that you answer those four simple questions still gives other people important information about you, so it's worth answering.

An example of how it's important is this: because I am a perceiving type, I might sympathize more readily with socially unpopular groups of people, and I am deeply skeptical of conventional wisdom about anything. I am likely to see conventional wisdom as a challenge for me to contradict it. As a consequence, you shouldn't be surprised if I have some really offbeat gonzo views. It's not that I am part of some weird cult. I am just questioning mainstream assumptions and diverging from the mob because that is what I do.
My ISFP ass tl;dr lol?
My ISFP ass tl;dr lol?
And it's true that saying you're a sensing type just means you don't like too much information that doesn't have a clear application. It's direct application that has significance to a sensing type. They don't get along with people that are too verbose. They might distrust the presence of too many words, and they might suspect that too many words indicates an intention to mislead the hearer. If your paragraphs get too long to have a clear point and you use too many weird foreign ideas or too many metaphors, their bullshit detectors light up.

All you have to do is say you're a sensing type, and I would know that I should use short sentences with clear practical meanings.

With an intuitive type, I would know that I could ramble with that person in long meandering paragraphs for hours. The intuitive type doesn't really commit easily to action. That's why the intuitive type feels secure listening to lots of words. They can entertain a greater number and wider diversity of ideas because of the fact that they very rarely actually want to do something just because they can enjoy thinking about doing it. They are content to do absolutely nothing at all, patiently exploring thousands of different possibilities. They are willing to read acres and acres of paragraphs because they know that they don't have to use that information right away; they might use it later if it is ever applicable, or they might not. They are thought-hoarders that take the view, "It is easier to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."

I can get that much information just by asking you one question. It is a simple piece of information about you. There is nothing mysterious or arcane about it. It is absolutely straightforward.

Whether you phrased it as "tl;dr" or "cut the bullshit" is irrelevant. Same meaning.
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And it's true that saying you're a sensing type just means you don't like too much information that doesn't have a clear application. It's direct application that has significance to a sensing type. They don't get along with people that are too verbose. They might distrust the presence of too many words, and they might suspect that too many words indicates an intention to mislead the hearer. If your paragraphs get too long to have a clear point and you use too many weird foreign ideas or too many metaphors, their bullshit detectors light up.

All you have to do is say you're a sensing type, and I would know that I should use short sentences with clear practical meanings.

With an intuitive type, I would know that I could ramble with that person in long meandering paragraphs for hours. The intuitive type doesn't really commit easily to action. That's why the intuitive type feels secure listening to lots of words. They can entertain a greater number and wider diversity of ideas because of the fact that they very rarely actually want to do something just because they can enjoy thinking about doing it. They are content to do absolutely nothing at all, patiently exploring thousands of different possibilities. They are willing to read acres and acres of paragraphs because they know that they don't have to use that information right away; they might use it later if it is ever applicable, or they might not. They are thought-hoarders that take the view, "It is easier to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."

I can get that much information just by asking you one question. It is a simple piece of information about you. There is nothing mysterious or arcane about it. It is absolutely straightforward.

Whether you phrased it as "tl;dr" or "cut the bullshit" is irrelevant. Same meaning.
Yeah. I don’t mingle with my study group too much, because they talk too much. I just want to know when we’re meeting up to study, where, and what time. I used to hang out with a group of people that were mostly xNFP and xNTP, these people had no problem sitting inside, talking about anime characters or video game theories. I used to sit there bored out of my mind. I’d be like “let’s go for a walk outside” and they acted like they were allergic to the sun. ?? weird though, because my xNTJ and xNFJ friends are always down for travel and doing something. What’s the difference between the J and P?
Yeah. I don’t mingle with my study group too much, because they talk too much. I just want to know when we’re meeting up to study, where, and what time. I used to hang out with a group of people that were mostly xNFP and xNTP, these people had no problem sitting inside, talking about anime characters or video game theories. I used to sit there bored out of my mind. I’d be like “let’s go for a walk outside” and they acted like they were allergic to the sun. ?? weird though, because my xNTJ and xNFJ friends are always down for travel and doing something. What’s the difference between the J and P?

Give most perceiving types a Xanax, and most of them will get a lot more done :-D.

That or l-theanine, which you can get legally over-the-counter. You can get this in a strong black tea.

And we are also known for overuse of the "edit" button on forum posts.
Do you guys relate to the results? Lol :3 thanks for commenting! I like personality quizzes and understanding people.
I say so.
I've been coming back here a few times if I wanted to add something, but its like nothing is coming to mind! lol. Not sure if that's one thing it didn't mention.
But I guess I can say it confirms if I'm more introverted. Which I can agree with. But it doesn't mean I don't like to hang at concerts or even go to the movies.
"ISTP-T - Virtuoso Bold and practical experimenter, masters of all kinds of tools."

Sounds like me. Mrs K9Duke often remarked about my experimenting with her using all sorts of tools/toys.
I used to be an INTJ, but with time I've become more INFP-T; which is pretty accurate. I think a lot of it had to do with finding new meaning and working directly with people, as opposed to my previous freelance career.