@kittybabie33 Firstly this was 50 years ago, yes i am old but old ain't dead, lol. Second it wasn't my boy but a neighbours, the tasty, texture and heat was and still is amazing. while cock tastes good the cum is also amazing, I still daydream about it to this day, So my vote YES it is addictive, very.
My thinking was WTF am I doing wanting to suck a doggy cock, I am straight and have never considered suckling a human penis,WHY? I am zoo is my guess
My feelings were guilt, embarrassment and shame, plus the biggest rush of my long lifetime
How was the experience, surfice to say, I still crave sucking doggy cock to this day. Luckily I have access to a horny boy doggy that l ike it as much as me.
Hope this hasn't grossed you out too much, but I have tried to change but it seems once a zoo always a zoo, cheers LL Australia