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what was your first time dog experience with ?

what was your first time dog experience with

  • the family pupper

  • your own trained for you to please

  • a stray that came to you

  • asked/taught by a friends dog

  • other

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The "first times" was when I was like 2 just making out with our black Lab cause I liked how it felt. Once my parents told me stop, it became a secret activity. Kept doing it on-and-off until I had what I'd consider to be my actual first time, then I became addicted.

I was around 9-10, laying down on the living room floor one night, looking at the ceiling, then patting the carpet to get her to come to me. When she came to me though, it wasn't in the normal way she'd do before where she just walks next to me, lies down, and give me some kisses; instead she walked so she was over my whole body, locked eyes at my shocked face, then forced her head into mine starting the most intense make-out session I've ever had. Had to even hold her head back because our teeth would hit since we were getting so close, and it took a bit of my strength to do so, which only made me love it more. I was finding this so hot that I got a boner (which I was used to getting every now and then) but that I had to pee SO BAD. I didn't want the moment to end, but I couldn't hold it anymore and thought I let it all out, but nothing came out. If I was old enough to cum, that would've been it, so I'm counting that as my first time. It was life-changing enough for me where I switched from doing in on-and-off once a month or something, to doing it every day for months until my little sister wanted to sleep with it (no freaky) in her room.

Other than that I've had a bit of lickjobs from some of my brothers/sisters dog's, but I don't want to stick my penis in a dog's pussy and I haven't let a male dog fuck me yet so that's the extent of what I've done. Hope you liked it.
When I was a teenager my dog would eat me out. She would literally push my hands out of the way with her nose whenever I would try to stop her. She also would scramble to lick my mouth, tongue, and throat. I miss kissing her, nothing feels quite like a dog's tongue down your throat while your lips press against hot, soft, fuzzy jowls.
My first experience was on a vacation in a place where my parents have apartments and I was unexpectedly asked to look after the dog of the guests who rented our apartment for two days.It was an ideal opportunity for me, which I took advantage of.
My first time was back in march with my family's golden retriever. My entire family left for about 4 hours. I was alone with nothing to do, walked into the living room and saw him.
His balls immediately caught my attention and before i knew it, I checked the doors and windows made sure they were blocked, took off my shirt and pants, and started feeling him up. His cock came out and I put my mouth on it and started sucking.
After a bit he came in my mouth and I didn't know what to do so i just left my mouth open. My first thought wasn't;
"I just blew my dog." Or just general shame.
It was "I gotta clean this up."
Spat out his cum, cleaned him, myself and the floor up.
Felt guilty afterwards and battled with myself for sometime, but hopefully telling this will help me out.
Mi primera vez fue cuando tenia 10 años, un día mi padre me pidió que sacara a pasear al perro ya que se iba de viaje con mi madre. Como el perro era muy activo y no se cansaba de jugar, fue cuando se me ocurrió jugar a la lucha libre, así que me puse algo más cómodo, una falda junto con una camiseta tipo top y también me cambió la braga ya que la otra estaba mojada por el sudor. En ese momento Dexter, así se llama el perro, bueno empezó a jugar y me intentó agarrar de la mano, de la cintura, yo no le hice caso y me terminó montando, me agarró fuerte y no me soltaba, empezó con sus movimientos de querer penetrarme, así por un buen rato hasta que me dejó toda mojada la braga y la vagina, como yo llevaba falda y la braga estaba algo rota, no tardó en penetrarme y abotonarme por ese pequeño agujero que tenía mi braga, ese día perdí mi virginidad. Primero me dolió y luego fue puro placer así que lo hice una vez más, de tanto placer me desmayé.
I had become more curious about what it would be like to feel a dog penis and taste it. I myself do not have a dog unfortunately but my son has a wolf/husky mix at my mom's. Access to him is tough to have alone. I took the opportunity to take him to a shop that I had access to in private. I got naked and became playful with him like a fellow dog. I was able to get him to show interest by gently playing with his sheath. I was able to get him excited and actually suck on it for a little bit. I really enjoyed how he tasted and all the fluid he squirted at me. I was very new to this and really had no idea how to get him to want to mount me. Unfortunately he has since been fixed and have been told he would probably not want to. I wish I knew more of what to do because I absolutely would love to gain much more experience.
Mi primera vez fue cuando tenía 10 años, un día mi padre me pidió que sacara a pasear al perro ya que se iba de viaje con mi madre. Como el perro era muy activo y no se cansaba de jugar, fue cuando se me ocurrió jugar a la lucha libre, así que me puse algo más cómodo, una falda junto con una camiseta tipo top y también me cambió la braga ya que la otra estaba mojada por el sudor. En ese momento Dexter, así se llama el perro, bueno empezó a jugar y me intenté agarrar de la mano, de la cintura, yo no le hice caso y me terminó montando, me agarró fuerte y no me soltaba, empezó con sus movimientos de querer penetrarme, así por un buen rato hasta que me dejó toda mojada la braga y la vagina, como yo llevaba falda y la braga estaba algo rota, no tardó en penetrarme y abotonarme por ese pequeño agujero que tenía mi braga, ese día perdí mi virginidad. Primero me dolió y luego fue puro placer así que lo hice una vez más, de tanto placer me desmayé.
,en realidad iniciaste con la penetración a esa edad y con perros ?
I was visiting family for a week in another state and they had a gorgeous black cane corso mix. I couldn't stop staring at him and was mesmerized by his huge sheath.
One of the days everyone was outside swimming, so I took my chance and called for the dog into the bathroom with me.
After he calmed down a bit and half laid down, I decided to try touching his sheath. Touching it made him stand back up, but he didn't have a bad reaction, so I felt him again, but a little longer and with more pressure.
He started humping a bit and the tip started peaking out. Up to that point I had never seen a dog dick, so the bright pink scared me and I thought I hurt him somehow and stopped there. I felt terrible for awhile, but eventually looked it up and saw my first zoo stuff. I've been hooked since