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What should I do if I get caught?

Well....I guess it depends on the situation. Kinda hard to explain if they walk in while it is happening. I have always worried about the same thing and have almost been caught a few times over the years.
When it comes down to cops.

Be polite but don't answer questions.

If your get dragged into interview shut up! anything you say will be used against you. Best answer is my name is. I invoke my rights to silence and my rights to a lawyer. And shut up! If they keep asking questions without your lawyer there, repet that you invoke your rights and you don't answer questions.
I'm scared that my family will find out, if they do, what should I do?

Tricky to answer:

Be prepared - don't do anything stupid to begin with. Have the door locked, hide anything suspicious really really really well, encrypt your data, encrypt your phone, use reasonable passwords, clear the internet history and cookies every time you close the browser, use do-not-track and use every option to opt-out of advertisement cookies, don't put it on facebook (etc), use a VPN and encrypt your data stream and so on. Otherwise your internet provider and the NSA definitely know. IT-security, data sparseness, obfuscation and opsec up the ass. Check everything of that triple-twice.

Speaking of which, If your family sees you with a dog cock up your ass, the best bet is to talk to them one by one. You only have one family and it will be this way for the rest of your life. Insist on the love aspect and ask them who is truely hurt etc pp. This forum is full with the arguments. In case they are deeply catholic or so, you are screwed. See first paragraph again, prepare prepare prepare to not get caught. Or be ready to move out at your age.

In case other people caught you, deny deny deny deny deny deny, no matter how unlikely it is. Best thing is when they don't even know who you are. ASAP remove yourself, don't start a brawl.

As someone else said, in case the police show up, you say "hello, sir", you state your name and address, BUT NOTHING ELSE! They offer you a coffee, you say "I would like to talk to a lawyer, Sir." They ask you about the weather, you say "I would like to talk to a lawyer, Sir." They say "ok, this is a bit annoying, can we talk off the record for a second?" you say "I would like to talk to a lawyer, Sir." Follow their directions where to stand, sit and whatever until you are free to go, but say nothing resp. nothing else. Not on the drive to the station, not on the drive home (in case they are so nice, but you should soooo deny such an offer and walk instead), not to a plain-clothes officer, not in the police station bathroom, never never never anything else. Don't use your cell phone to call a lawyer from the station, and not within the same cell-phone tower zone as the station, don't use their landline. Get where this is going?

Assume everyone who could get you busted, because they pieced together your zooness and name and address, will either fuck with you or throw you under the bus the first chance they get.

As you see, most of this is about don't get the fuck caught in the first place.
It depends on who catches you. If you are caught by people who would keep it a secret, then the worst that might happen is a more complicated relationship with whoever caught you.

However, if the people who catch you "snitch" on you to the authorities, there is little you can do (because, most likely, the law is not on your side). I don't know what country you're in, but in the United States, the legal situation zoos are in is extremely bad, with new anti-zoo bills being made every year. So being caught by the wrong people can make one very vulnerable, and be potentially life-ruining. That's why a lot of people on this forum say "never fencehop".

("Fencehop" means going onto someone else's property to have sex with an animal that isn't yours.)
Give people a plausible reason. Make sure you smell like liquor. People excuse anything away with liquor. "Oh wow. I was *that* drunk?" Then do your community service, have AA check your attendance, and move on.
Maybe an different view: I found out that my stepdaughter is in zoo, too. She doesn't know that I know. First I was shocked but on the other side I have the same fetish. Then I was frightend that she might get sick or so. But now I kinda like it that there is somebody close to me who has the same fetish. I don't want to tell her that I know because I do not want to embarrase her...
So what I want to say: Maybe it is even good to get caught....
This should be the first thing you must avoid from happening. It's like when you have sex with a person from the opposite sex and you don't expect babies. I mean, just avoid it, use all the methods possible. If it happens ? well, bad luck, you'll need to embrace them, the situations that may happen are very different one from another, you may face the cops, you may face a high "grounded" situation if you're still "under tutors" (like if you're 22 and you still live with your parents), also you may get an awkard silence, but for sure the relationship between the caught one and the one who busted you will change, forever, it's not the same, that person will know something so intimate, even though this doesn't mean that person would hate you or something, maybe the whole "situation" may look the same, but deep inside the way that person will see at you will change.
First priority is don't get caught. I did it did not go well. Could have gone a lot worse. It cost me in a few ways.
Always be aware and think before you do things. If there is even a small risk do not take it.
If you do get caught you are going to have to evaluate that on an individual basis, person by person. Each will react differently and you have to know them to figure out how to approach it. Just don't panic and think before you speak.
If the police are involved then as has been posted above get a lawyer.
But if you can at all avoid it do.
As a farmer any one fence hopping may be shot if they survive my 5 border collies. They are very protective of my livestock.