See title. What breed for large knot/cock size? Amount of cum? Ferocity of fuck? We have 3 neutered dogs not planning on getting more so we have a knot dildo but I can't help but wonder the questions.
This question is asked literally 3 times a week. Use the search function of this web. The answer is always the same.
It can not be measured, everybody gives different opinions, it is highly individual and varies from dog to dog.
can i ask what even makes you "wonder the questions"?
unless someone starts breeding dogs for penis size, ejaculate amount or ferocity of fuck (whatever the fuck that means) there won't ever be a singular answer for any of these pretty dumb questions... only "guide line" for that is that breeds with heavier bone structure may or may not be better equipped. but still, picking a dog just for any of these "qualifications" is stupid and wrong
This question is asked literally 3 times a week. Use the search function of this web. The answer is always the same.
It can not be measured, everybody gives different opinions, it is highly individual and varies from dog to dog.