I've always found it weird that we have this thing called "race", as if we didn't know we all come from the same specie -even with the other animals, we all descended from the same ancient organism. I'm mexican, so I'm latin. Even though I am as "clear skinned" as the majority of "the white people". Latin is coined by the latin language, so it literally means you come from a group of people that developed its language (romance language) from latin language. Just as the frenchs and the spaniards. So... am I latin because I was born in a spanish speaking country or because my ancestors came from an especifc place? ----Just as a funny story, Im not meaning to shame or judge other people, but °whites"- especially white US citizens- find it so hard to believe that I am MEXICAN. And yeah, I write it with upper case letters because it sounds exactly like that when they say it, because they usually say it like a praise. They actually think they are giving me a compliment by saying that. (again, not meaning to bash people - I just find it so funny and so rude at the same time. Its almost comical.