With regards to the original question - I can not say. I was that age at one point, watched vids but I think I only started talking to others about it in like 2018 or something - when the first version of ZV was around before it had to get nuked and this one made
I did not want to participate in the community at the time because it was dominated by old people on BeastForum who had no idea how to have social etiquette online, how to be tech savvy (to avoid any privacy concerns), and just their general... arrogance? Like they freely said shit and posted shit either not thinking about, or not caring about, the consequences
Some of them would have got dealt with by ?, but I hold no sympathy for them.
Young people my age and a bit younger and a bit older seem to be cool.
But the current crop of zoomers seem to be far too moralistic and baiting and dog-piling for me to want to really interact with any of them