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what do you think about people who think not nutered dogs are "ugly because of their balls

The difference is the ball sack or pretty much nothing in case of females.
So what exactly is the ugly there?
I just think if they don't like it, than stop putting so much attention on it. Just because someone's dog isn't fixed doesn't mean they're making puppies. Some think if you aren't a breeder, you must get them fixed. Well, if a human doesn't want to use it, they should get fixed as well.
I am sure that those people who talks so much about neutering the male dogs, in reality is very interesting in how his genitals really looks. Otherwise they wouldn’t notice all the time ?
It is a known psychological phenomenon when someone argues a lot against something, that he/she in fact is very interested.
I read about a man, who spent a lot of time and energy against porn, but when he died, they found the largest porn collection in town.
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I think exactly the opposite. Neutered dogs look weird and testicles look absolutely normal on a male dog. Maybe some people find the scrotum repulsive, especially those low hangers, bare skin, pink types. The best ones 😄
Most often than not people will say it looks bad because they can't cope with seeing reproductive organs in their day to day life outside of the bedroom hidden beneath the bedsheets, and they project that mentality to other people's animals.

"Seeing testicles is a sin and you shouldn't subject me to the sight of your dogs balls!" /s

It reminds me of my mom sometimes in the last few weeks telling me my girl had something stuck on her butt and I said "you mean her vagina?" :ROFLMAO: she never knew how it was supposed to look cuz all she ever saw were neutered females
Most often than not people will say it looks bad because they can't cope with seeing reproductive organs in their day to day life outside of the bedroom hidden beneath the bedsheets, and they project that mentality to other people's animals.

"Seeing testicles is a sin and you shouldn't subject me to the sight of your dogs balls!" /s

It reminds me of my mom sometimes in the last few weeks telling me my girl had something stuck on her butt and I said "you mean her vagina?" :ROFLMAO: she never knew how it was supposed to look cuz all she ever saw were neutered females
Comparing in a slightly other direction -
so many men has been circumcised / so many women has their hair removed from their genitals, that seeing a normal man / woman, makes them believe they are malformed.
usually gets a counterquestion: so you also find yours/ male humans ones ugly? lets cut them off too. or would you cut off your breasts to prevent breast cancer?
usually gets a counterquestion: so you also find yours/ male humans ones ugly? lets cut them off too. or would you cut off your breasts to prevent breast cancer?
The breast thing I also use as an argument.

If someone is realy pushy about neutering, I'll say: so you also going around and demand to cut of the breast's of all woman? I mean, they don't need them, there is baby Formular. It also reduces the risk of breastcancer and women won't have backproblems!

Wait you don't? Than shut the fuck up about my bulls balls!
I had a similar conversation a few times when I was looking for a new dog. Cause I was specifically looking for an intact male and people always wanted to know why intact. One of the many points I had was that males just look weird and unnatural when they don’t have balls. Especially when they just have a loose flap of skin instead 🤮. And I had people say, well I think they look weird with balls. Well ok there’s plenty of other reasons they should be left intact and it’s not your dog not your problem. Don’t look if you don’t like it. Maybe you need to ask yourself why you find the natural look of an animal so off putting instead of asking me why I don’t lol.
I mean, they don't need them, there is baby Formular. It also reduces the risk of breastcancer and women won't have backproblems!
Another idiotic counter-argument.

Then why don’t you remove all your finger and toenails, one arm, your nose, ears?

Arguments like those aren’t going to convince anyone. They’re nowhere close to comparable, and just makes sure you won’t be taken seriously.
This is just another reason that some people can't stand why others keep intact dogs and come up with all kinds of nonsense about why it's better to be neutered.

His parents should have been neutered so that such person could not be born...
Another idiotic counter-argument.

Then why don’t you remove all your finger and toenails, one arm, your nose, ears?

Arguments like those aren’t going to convince anyone. They’re nowhere close to comparable, and just makes sure you won’t be taken seriously.
So far it worked twice to shut them up.
I don't have to convince anyone, as long as it makes them stop pestering me about why my bull still has his nuts, iam fine with it.