Canine female or male (scroll down for human):
Northern, Spitz type breeds and mixes. The more wolfish-looking the better.
Loves making out.
Extremely cuddly/emotionally needy (I shall provide! ?)
Prefers sleeping right up next to me (I would provide a cooling barrier so my body heat doesn't prevent that)
Loves being spooned all night, preferrably by both me and my human partner.
Enjoys the ocean/water.
Relatively quiet and calm temperament.
Gets along well with other dogs
Not too high of a preydrive.
Enjoys travelling.
Enjoys taking part in some heartfelt howling with me.
An old soul.
Human female (this applies to me too):
Monogamous, aside from being intimate within our pack.
Mentally and emotionally balanced
Compassionate to all life
Is a good communciator
Communicates her feelings clearly
Not ego-driven.
Loves animals as equals
Is pro animal rights, anti-specism
Agrees that humans are not the most advanced species on earth.
Enjoys similar things as mentioned in the canine partner section.
Never seeks vengeance or passive aggressiveness as a means to solve relationship problems.
Never takes emotional issues out on me and especially any nonhuman partners or anyone else.
Cares about others unselfishly and loves helping others (human and nonhuman).
Financially responsible
Not into politics
Takes a holistic and spiritual approach to health
Takes responsibility for her own thoughts and emotions.
Furry. Not a must-have trait, but it would be nice to enjoy furcons and furry content together.
Loves being outdoors in Nature
Is not just "ok" with, but is fully supporting and happy about my deep emotional, spiritual and intimate relationship with our/my canine partner.
Doesn't get jealous over my need for private 1-on-1 time with my/our canine mate.
As for sex, whether she's into my dick or not, it would be great if she'd enjoy me giving her and her/our dog oral as she's being knotted and after pullout. Besides, I can do things to increase pleasure fur both parties. hehe