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We're heeeere! :)


Heya folks! At the suggestion of @ZTHorse , we've decided to make an active ZV account for our podcast! We're going to use this as an outreach to researchers (future), other Zoos, and to attempt to address some community issues and provide our perspective on some sensitive topics.

Feel free to interact with us, we're a friendly bunch! We've been having platform issues, but are now steady on YouTube of all places, our podcasts being edited and converted to videos for upload.

Just as an aside, we've recently been having issues with Twitter / mass-reporting as well, we're appealing there, but we're not expecting much to happen. So, to clean the slate and settle in a little: we're going to work here, on YouTube, and maybe on some other, less... eccentric social media if one comes along.

Of course, we appreciate any signal boosting, and spreading-of-word we can get, word of mouth and such. We feel we can add some interesting concepts, perspective, and a sort of down-to-earth and 'homey' feel to the podcast space!

Thanks for your listens and support folks! Our podcasts are hosted on our YouTube channel, linked on our profile as our 'website'.
Heya folks! At the suggestion of @ZTHorse , we've decided to make an active ZV account for our podcast! We're going to use this as an outreach to researchers (future), other Zoos, and to attempt to address some community issues and provide our perspective on some sensitive topics.

Feel free to interact with us, we're a friendly bunch! We've been having platform issues, but are now steady on YouTube of all places, our podcasts being edited and converted to videos for upload.

Just as an aside, we've recently been having issues with Twitter / mass-reporting as well, we're appealing there, but we're not expecting much to happen. So, to clean the slate and settle in a little: we're going to work here, on YouTube, and maybe on some other, less... eccentric social media if one comes along.

Of course, we appreciate any signal boosting, and spreading-of-word we can get, word of mouth and such. We feel we can add some interesting concepts, perspective, and a sort of down-to-earth and 'homey' feel to the podcast space!

Thanks for your listens and support folks! Our podcasts are hosted on our YouTube channel, linked on our profile as our 'website'.

Glad to have you here! I'm happy you joined the zoo community on ZV. I don't believe you'll have worries of takedown notices here. :)
I really enjoyed listening to the first episode of the podcast, I'm definitely looking forward too future episodes!

It's amazing to know that a podcast about zoosexuality finally exists, I've known about my sexuality for a long time and I always struggled to deal with the isolation that comes with it (though not so much now as I came out to my bf and he's supportive and interested in this side of me). I know others must struggle with the same thing, but being able to listen to a podcast will no doubt help others deal with the same sort of isolation that I've felt.

Keep up the great work!

Also, to be blunt I wouldn't be overly optimistic about Youtube letting the podcast stay on their platform for very long. It really sucks, but it's a very contraversial thing (hell, sex in general is a big no no on youtube) for them to keep up, and I imagine a lot of anti-zoos will report it and get it taken down.

It'd be neat if you could post the episodes here on the forum (maybe the forum could allow it's own section for the podcast), that way it eliminates the risk of takedown requests.
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Also, to be blunt I wouldn't be overly optimistic about Youtube letting the podcast stay on their platform for very long. It really sucks, but it's a very contraversial thing (hell, sex in general is a big no no on youtube) for them to keep up, and I imagine a lot of anti-zoos will report it and get it taken down.

It'd be neat if you could post the episodes here on the forum (maybe the forum could allow it's own section for the podcast), that way it eliminates the risk of takedown requests.

There's already a good deal of conversation on the subject on YT, that is much more sexual than what we intend to go. We may actually briefly touch on the sexual side: but it's not likely we're going to go in to porn / fetishism anyways, as those really aren't our targets.

We hope, to even teach / show some of the more 'pure sexual' Zoos, that there's a different side to it than just sex and hookups: which this community (the Zoo Community as s whole) is sort of known for, or perceived to be known for.
Hey, good to have you! I listened to the first podcast, but haven't yet looked to see if you got more up.

Hey, thanks for the listen. We took a week off as things were a bit hectic for one of us, and for the other, a time constraint.
We haven't uploaded anything further yet, but, we are working on it, and going to be recording this Wednesday.
welcome, any chance you will maybe upload the podcast here? i don't really like the "please sign in to view this" part about it... i understand that the clicks on yt are probably making you some money, but this sort of thing is not really something i want to randomly see on my feed, no offense.
welcome, any chance you will maybe upload the podcast here? i don't really like the "please sign in to view this" part about it... i understand that the clicks on yt are probably making you some money, but this sort of thing is not really something i want to randomly see on my feed, no offense.

We're not monetized, so we don't make money. We use YT as an open platform, more for exposure vs. money.
Heya folks! At the suggestion of @ZTHorse , we've decided to make an active ZV account for our podcast! We're going to use this as an outreach to researchers (future), other Zoos, and to attempt to address some community issues and provide our perspective on some sensitive topics.

Feel free to interact with us, we're a friendly bunch! We've been having platform issues, but are now steady on YouTube of all places, our podcasts being edited and converted to videos for upload.

Just as an aside, we've recently been having issues with Twitter / mass-reporting as well, we're appealing there, but we're not expecting much to happen. So, to clean the slate and settle in a little: we're going to work here, on YouTube, and maybe on some other, less... eccentric social media if one comes along.

Of course, we appreciate any signal boosting, and spreading-of-word we can get, word of mouth and such. We feel we can add some interesting concepts, perspective, and a sort of down-to-earth and 'homey' feel to the podcast space!

Thanks for your listens and support folks! Our podcasts are hosted on our YouTube channel, linked on our profile as our 'website'.

I have to say a nice podcast:)
Can not @ZTHorse post a playlist here on the forum?
...and by requiring google login = you've just made every zoo (and non-zoo) that listens to your podcast, an associated product.
I"m not going to bother to explain the astounding stupidity in this.....read some history- start with snowden and prism...
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Neither are Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter.....

...and by requiring google login = you've just made every zoo (and non-zoo) that listens to your podcast, an associated product.
I"m not going to bother to explain the astounding stupidity in this.....read some history- start with snowden and prism.

Do you watch videos on YT? Have an Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, KiK, etc...? If so, then you are already a product. Do you have a Smart Phone?
I (Winter Green) already know a plenty about Edward, and many of the projects that have heavy influence, like the now defunct Project Dragonfly.

People should 100% take this show in bad faith- whether the people behind it are real/ignorant or not.
There's no excuse for being so reckless you are indistinguishable from an agent provocateur.

Excuse me, but why should they take us in Bad Faith? All we've done so far is an intro episode. Now, this isn't really the place for this kind of heated discussion, if you want a 'dumpster fire thread' go there, make one, and I'll bust your chops a little (Winter Green).

Tell me though, do you take ZooTT in bad faith? What about the other Zoo Content creators and activists who contact researchers like Dr. Bailey?
...edited the last part too late= which in retrospect felt mean and un-necessary. Sorry about that...genuain emotion, but that's not who I"m trying to be... also not trying to dumpster-fire this...

The question of weather I take ZTT in bad faith is..... extremely misplaced. Like- you'd laugh your ass off if you realized how misplaced that is... ask *edit= privacy* around...

Had ZTT arrived with google-only login accessability= yeah, damn right I would have taken it in bad faith.....but then again I expect Fausty knew better- maybe you don't.

and No- I don't have ANY of those things. I mainly use FOSS linux and don't participate in much social media at all. Youtube works fine without an account- if you know what your doing you can even block ads. My cheap cell is Google-free= and untrusted non-the-less...and will go in the trash when my Librum 5 comes in... I have an ipad but it stays loged out, and frankly I hate it.

But that's all 'what-about-ism' really- what about this unacceptable thing is bad compared to all these other unacceptable things...

None of it excuses literally giving google a 'zoophile' tag on your listeners...which they can and will sell to anyone willing to pay... maybe everything else you're doing is perfect= and I"d absolutely give credit for everything I see right....but screw up this bad, expect a call out from a grey muzzle like me.
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The question of weather I take ZTT in bad faith is..... extremely misplaced. Like- you'd laugh your ass off if you realized how misplaced that is... ask Zemen, privately...

Had ZTT arrived with google-only login accessability= yeah, damn right I would have taken it in bad faith.....but then again I expect Fausty knew better- maybe you don't.

ZooTT has a YT channel... also, do you have a smart phone, a mobile device of any sorts?

and No- I don't have ANY of those things. I mainly use FOSS linux and don't participate in much social media at all. Youtube works fine without an account- if you know what your doing you can even block ads. My cheap cell is Google-free= and untrusted non-the-less...and will go in the trash when my Librum 5 comes in... I have an ipad but it stays loged out, and frankly I hate it.

Logged in or no, doesn't matter, same with your phone. I actually do use FOSS / Linux primarily.

None of it excuses literally giving google a 'zoophile' tag on your listeners...which they can and will sell to anyone willing to pay... maybe everything else you're doing is perfect= and I"d absolutely give credit for everything I see right....but screw up this bad, expect a call out from a grey muzzle like me.

If we listened to every 'call out' people tried, we wouldn't have a venue. Please, what's the problem with being 'noticed'? Maybe being noticed to encourage change is what we WANT.

Again, ZooTT has a YT channel, also we age-restrict to avoid any sort of trouble / strikes from YT.
Is it possible to edit the name out from my quote? -I should have been more considerate toward privacy given this is public.

ZTT doesn't require login for age verification...so no google account/spying required.
Being 'logged in' actually does significantly change the amount and type of data mined from a device. You are subject to entirely different eula's when logged in vs not.

Awesome you're on FOSS= that should be the default for everyone....

Sorry again if I've been a bit abrasive- this security/tech stuff honestly triggers me a bit and I"m working on improving in that regards.

If something is not possible to do without risking your entire listener base- it probably shouldn't be done... Being noticed as a psudononymous group is one thing- being noticed as indeviduals something else entirely.
orry again if I've been a bit abrasive- this security/tech stuff honestly triggers me a bit and I"m working on improving in that regards.

(WINTER GREEN) Been doing tech work since I was thirteen, I can tell you, you have a lot of misconception on what 'they can get and not get' from your device.

I don't take abrasion seriously, especially over something like this and over the internet.
If something is not possible to do without risking your entire listener base- it probably shouldn't be done... Being noticed as a psudononymous group is one thing- being noticed as indeviduals something else entirely.

You post no 'risk' by watching a simple video, logged in or no. I'm sorry, but you are wrong here.

I'll leave you to it, I don't think we're going to see eye to eye, and honestly I don't really appreciate you being an asshole on something we're trying to do positive, just because YOU disagree. You're not the source of the world spinning pal.

I think hes saying your podcast is behind the youtube age restriction. Thus needing a google account to view the podcast. That is a concern.

You should just mirror the .mp3 file here on ZV blogs for those who dont want to use google services @BestiaAmore
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There's no MP3 for the podcast, it's uncompressed WAV as of right now, but I can encode it to MP3.

That's yet another upload I'd have to undertake as well.
I can tell you, you have a lot of misconception on what 'they can get and not get' from your device. -I'd like to hear this....

Confident ignorance is dangerous. do a search on JavaScript and CVE's- you're full of shit saying there's no possible risk in watching videos- tons of people have been hacked by nothing more then watching a video.

The fact that google spy's on people and their infrastructure is used by the national security apparatus is NOT AN OPINION. That is the ONLY thing I have disagreed with... I haven't listened to the show- and won't unless is posted somewhere sane.

Ad-homonym isn't a good look...
You show reckless disregard for peoples safety. -pointing that out doesn't make me an asshole.
I hope someone doesn't end up in jail or with murdered animals because of your ignorance.

If you'd really payed attention to various leaks you would know about base-band co-processors, management hardware, and perpetual CVE's... You'd know about obfusicated coding (backdoors coded to look/pass as accidental), and the black market for exploitable vulnerabilities that our government itself participates in. You might have even read recently that they're still abusing section 701, and plan on doing more retroactive law passing to excuse themselves from their constitutional breaches...

If you really knew computers- you'd know Computer security is an oxymoron= simple scripts + CVE =compromise- and you've just provided them easy access to your entire listener base, cross-linked by google to real id's. You'd know about methods like MITM, and things like choke points, mirroring and fusion centers, inter-agency intelligence sharing....google doesn't even have to be involved for googles infrastructure to be turned against a person....

Do I need to start pulling references? I can go there... I got Fausty himself to back down on this issue years ago.... honestly have better things to do though... I"m not trying to be mean or argue here- again sorry for the less then ideal way I came at this- I think it's great your doing a new show, and look forward to hearing it.... but endangering people through technical ignorance is pretty serious business.
Sounds lovely. I think .mp3 files on ZV get a native in browser player. Easy to play it.

Just as an FYI: we're trying for *exposure* here, not to reside in an Echo Chamber, that would have been the first option (private site or forum upload) if we WERE trying to keep hidden. This is why we chose a BIG platform to upload to.

Also, will be mentioned in the blog later, but we've decided to removed the age restriction tag on the first episode, and will not be applying it to further ones unless something gets a bit 'racey'.
Just as an FYI: we're trying for *exposure* here, not to reside in an Echo Chamber, that would have been the first option (private site or forum upload) if we WERE trying to keep hidden. This is why we chose a BIG platform to upload to.

Also, will be mentioned in the blog later, but we've decided to removed the age restriction tag on the first episode, and will not be applying it to further ones unless something gets a bit 'racey'.
Sure but you should mirror your content to bitchute.com where you wont be censored like google will. Age restrictions does limit zooey podcasts on youtube, even ztt.

Exposure is limited if its age restricted.
I use Soundcloud to when i am listening to podcasts. i dont know if thay will delit it from there, I hope not...
Youtube will delete your channel soon unfortunately they do so with everyone.
upload your audio files here on the forum in a separate thread and on your blog plus on bitchute
I listened to your podcast today very nice ( =

Please, explain to me then, why another Zoos' channel has remained untouched, he covers the same sorts of topics, and goes in to a bit more detail than we do.

Look we're not here to listen to the advice of people being paranoid, or people wanting an echo chamber. If it becomes too much more a problem we'll leave the forum. We're here on behalf of folks like ZT who wanted to see us here in the beginning.

Plus, we're not buckling down on pure sexual topics, nor talking about the fetishistic side of Bestiality. I don't know how much more clear we can make this.

Want to 'do better'? By all means, go make your own then.