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Vets and Suspision

I haven’t had any problems with the vet either nor did they push me to get my girl spayed. They just said if you want to get her fixed to talk to the receptionist.
.. it's really up to the owner, when they look at the risks and benefits of both choices.

Absolutely. It's exactly as you wrote - there can be side effects and high risks due to both ways of deciding. The permanent shedding and weight gaining is quite regularly from my experience with long-furred and Nordic breeds which show heavily linked fur change to heat cycle intervals.

Being cautious and using preventive screening measurements on female dogs by as example palpating the mammary glands for tumors and getting early-on ultrasonic or manual control of expected pyometra build-up inflammations can prevent some of the worse outcomes, but life's unfortunately not without risks..

Fortunately early detected pyometra or tumors don't have to be deadly anymore nowadays. (y)
I love this site....so grateful for it.
I've a question: I'm adopting a puppy girl soon, she's 5 weeks old. I'm concerned about explaining to a vet why I will not want to spay. Any ideas. I know it's a red flag for them. I don't believe in it, ethically.

But what about when she's older? Vets know when something has happened. Can anyone advise me?

I know about dogs as the son of a (responsible) breeder and here it goes

you don't need to spay (sterilise) your female dog, it's completely ok not to.
if you do wish to do this YOU HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL SHE IS FULLY GROWN, i'd say best wait at least 2 years. otherwise it harms their development and health, it will weaken their bones and ligaments, it will cause them to be stunted.

in short your vet should even advice you to at least wait and I assume that there are no countries where dogs are required to be sterilised (except perhaps australia and new zealand due to the danger wild dogs pose to their native wildlife)
I love this site....so grateful for it.
I've a question: I'm adopting a puppy girl soon, she's 5 weeks old. I'm concerned about explaining to a vet why I will not want to spay. Any ideas. I know it's a red flag for them. I don't believe in it, ethically.

But what about when she's older? Vets know when something has happened. Can anyone advise me?

I’ve never seen a vet get suspicious of not getting a dog fixed they normally will say if you want to get her spayed to make another appointment and that was the last that I heard of it
I once brought my dog in for what turned out to be an ordinary pimple on her vulva. At first the vet wasn't able to find what I was talking about, and had me show it to her. Sure enough, it was not normally visible with my dog standing because of the way her skin folds fall. I shifted her skin folds out of the way to show her the pimple.

After exclaiming, "Ah, I see it now!" The vet seemed to consider the fact that this pimple is not normally visible, and yet somehow I knew about it. She kind of raised her eyebrow at me and asked, "It's not normally visible... does she let you mess with her?"

I didn't freak out, I just gave a normal answer that is pretty close to the truth, "She often rolls on to her back to expose her tummy for pets, and it's easy to see when she does."

That was that, normal visit from that point forward. She lanced it and sent us home with some antibiotic cream.
A question like that from my vet about that part of my partner's body would make my heart skip a beat. Did she ask you like she knew something was going on? She did raise an eyebrow right?
She seemed a little suspicious to me, but I suppose I can't be sure what she meant by "mess with her". Assuming she really was talking bestiality, because the rest of the visit went without any further comment I figure she either believed what I told her or didn't care enough to press the issue.
Now that we're in this topic, is there any care we need to have so it's not easy for a vet to know we're having relations with our pets?
What id do is just say no.. and if asked why ill say because I dont want it, end of story xd no red cheeks its just how it is xp ill only have her spayed if its a question of life and death :)
I once brought my dog in for what turned out to be an ordinary pimple on her vulva. At first the vet wasn't able to find what I was talking about, and had me show it to her. Sure enough, it was not normally visible with my dog standing because of the way her skin folds fall. I shifted her skin folds out of the way to show her the pimple.

After exclaiming, "Ah, I see it now!" The vet seemed to consider the fact that this pimple is not normally visible, and yet somehow I knew about it. She kind of raised her eyebrow at me and asked, "It's not normally visible... does she let you mess with her?"

I didn't freak out, I just gave a normal answer that is pretty close to the truth, "She often rolls on to her back to expose her tummy for pets, and it's easy to see when she does."

That was that, normal visit from that point forward. She lanced it and sent us home with some antibiotic cream.
was the vet lady a good looking female? 1 to 10 how hot was she? Do you think she ever participated in beast sex????
checking for ticks/ drying after a bath is a good reason to notice something in my eyes. When we were at a check-up, the vet once told me to hold his head because she was going for his jewels. I said he would not react. Only to realise that might be unusual to know XD So I added that we regularly check him for ticks in the summer. I also heard from another owner that his girl had a tick on her biscuit and he only found it because she removed the tick and he saw the blood.
Vets will generally all ask on a first visit, just say you don't plan on spaying unless it's medically necessary. If they push the issue beyond your comfort level simply find a new vet. "This guy is fucking his dog!" is not what comes to mind when somebody refuses to spay, so don't worry about that. Most will be respectful of your choice.