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vet problem

This honestly makes me wonder if veterinarians follow a similar hippocratic oath to what doctors follow. If you tell them about your relationship with your canine because you want them to be healthy will they keep that private?
This honestly makes me wonder if veterinarians follow a similar hippocratic oath to what doctors follow. If you tell them about your relationship with your canine because you want them to be healthy will they keep that private?
by law in the state they are supposed to report anything that they suspect that's abuse, personally I would say not to have sex with them a couple days before you take them
Well it really depends on the vet and on the country. The further you move from the capital here, the more common is "death by heart failure", particularly during and post operation. If that doesn't yell malpractice, I don't know what does
This honestly makes me wonder if veterinarians follow a similar hippocratic oath to what doctors follow. If you tell them about your relationship with your canine because you want them to be healthy will they keep that private?

Veterinarian's Oath

Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.
This honestly makes me wonder if veterinarians follow a similar hippocratic oath to what doctors follow. If you tell them about your relationship with your canine because you want them to be healthy will they keep that private?
Definitely not. Animals are property under the law, not people, and to have any claim to fundamental rights like privacy, one must be a person first. A vet's duty is to an animal's well being, not the owner.

Veterinarian's Oath

Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.
I don't know the source of this oath but assuming it's real I bolded the important bit. You may find that veterinarians, like furries, are disproportionately zoos or zoo sympathizers, but they are obligated to act when there's reason to suspect abuse is taking place.
Definitely not. Animals are property under the law, not people, and to have any claim to fundamental rights like privacy, one must be a person first. A vet's duty is to an animal's well being, not the owner.

I don't know the source of this oath but assuming it's real I bolded the important bit. You may find that veterinarians, like furries, are disproportionately zoos or zoo sympathizers, but they are obligated to act when there's reason to suspect abuse is taking place.
Yes the oath is administered as part of the graduation ceremony at most colleges. You will also find it if you google it.

Yes as far as reporting it where abuse has taken place. That's a big yes in every corner of the medical field.
Unless there is a sign that points to abuse I would say that most vets would never report anything. Most people don't want to get involved in any thing that is going to require them to go to court and vets are no different.
I'm a veterinarian currently working in Australia, and I am a zoo myself.

Your vet wouldn't have a clue if you had sex with your bitch unless she show signs of being forcefully raped and sexually abused ie. vaginal bleeding, redness of her vulva, obvious swollen vulva, painful response around her bits, resentment from being touch around her vulval area, recent leakage of semen from her.
If you didn't rape her, if any unusual discharge is present from the vulva, ie brown, black, green, yellow, may alert your vet to do some investigation. A bloody discharge may indicate she is in-oestrus, along with a swollen vulva. A clear/ cloudy discharge may however, may prompt the vet to ask some benign questions and probably not on anything sexual or raise suspicion on your intimate relationship.
Still, most vets I know wouldn't even check her vulval area properly unless you mention an issue with her genitals.

Just don't have sex with her on that same day before visiting your vet (common sense, right?), and you wouldn't raise any suspicion. Most bitches will have licked herself clean after you have ejaculated in her anyway. Still actual human sperm cells can live in her vaginal tract for the next 3-5 days, but most of your ejaculatory fluid would have disappeared by then.

As for male dogs:
Absolutely nobody will know if you have recently masturbated your boy and/or oral him, unless he have paraphimosis (his cock remains outside of his sheath and couldn't go back in), which again, you can claim that you have no part to play in that problem and just found him like that at home.
Even if he does get a lower urinary tract infection in his penile urethra or a balanoposthitis (Infection of his prepuce and/or penis) if you didn't clean your rectum out proper when he anal and knotted you, your vet will assume it is just an ordinary lower UTI and treat for it.
So please, do yourself and your boy a favour and wash your tunnel out before you let him have anal sex with you to prevent any unnecessary vet visits.

Just don't tell anybody you don't trust about your zoo relationship, that includes your vet, so you wouldn't get yourself into a pickle (again, common sense). It's not worth the risk.

The Oath on the other hand, it's just a reminder to ourselves that we should aim to provide the best animal welfare and to alleviate any suffering that the animal is going through.

And yes, your vet may report a suspected animal abuse case to the relevant authorities if they have evidence to support their claim.
The Oath on the other hand, it's just a reminder to ourselves that we should aim to provide the best animal welfare and to alleviate any suffering that the animal is going through.

As for this oath, what are your thoughts on clipping of the ears? Or the declawing of cats?
Both practices are frowned upon and ear-cropping is banned where I am practicing. Declawing is basically de-toeing of cats. The idea is to remove all off their 'finger-tips', bone and all, and leaving nerves + blood vessels + ligaments exposed. Skin is then stitched to keep the tissues cover. It's a cruel procedure.
Both practices are frowned upon and ear-cropping is banned where I am practicing. Declawing is basically de-toeing of cats. The idea is to remove all off their 'finger-tips', bone and all, and leaving nerves + blood vessels + ligaments exposed. Skin is then stitched to keep the tissues cover. It's a cruel procedure.
Yeah i know of the procedure but yeah I share the same opinions as you. Thanks for your time!
I'm a veterinarian currently working in Australia, and I am a zoo myself.

Your vet wouldn't have a clue if you had sex with your bitch unless she show signs of being forcefully raped and sexually abused ie. vaginal bleeding, redness of her vulva, obvious swollen vulva, painful response around her bits, resentment from being touch around her vulval area, recent leakage of semen from her.
If you didn't rape her, if any unusual discharge is present from the vulva, ie brown, black, green, yellow, may alert your vet to do some investigation. A bloody discharge may indicate she is in-oestrus, along with a swollen vulva. A clear/ cloudy discharge may however, may prompt the vet to ask some benign questions and probably not on anything sexual or raise suspicion on your intimate relationship.
Still, most vets I know wouldn't even check her vulval area properly unless you mention an issue with her genitals.

Just don't have sex with her on that same day before visiting your vet (common sense, right?), and you wouldn't raise any suspicion. Most bitches will have licked herself clean after you have ejaculated in her anyway. Still actual human sperm cells can live in her vaginal tract for the next 3-5 days, but most of your ejaculatory fluid would have disappeared by then.

As for male dogs:
Absolutely nobody will know if you have recently masturbated your boy and/or oral him, unless he have paraphimosis (his cock remains outside of his sheath and couldn't go back in), which again, you can claim that you have no part to play in that problem and just found him like that at home.
Even if he does get a lower urinary tract infection in his penile urethra or a balanoposthitis (Infection of his prepuce and/or penis) if you didn't clean your rectum out proper when he anal and knotted you, your vet will assume it is just an ordinary lower UTI and treat for it.
So please, do yourself and your boy a favour and wash your tunnel out before you let him have anal sex with you to prevent any unnecessary vet visits.

Just don't tell anybody you don't trust about your zoo relationship, that includes your vet, so you wouldn't get yourself into a pickle (again, common sense). It's not worth the risk.

The Oath on the other hand, it's just a reminder to ourselves that we should aim to provide the best animal welfare and to alleviate any suffering that the animal is going through.

And yes, your vet may report a suspected animal abuse case to the relevant authorities if they have evidence to support their claim.

Thank you so much for your input, this is very valuable to every zoo out there.
Both practices are frowned upon and ear-cropping is banned where I am practicing. Declawing is basically de-toeing of cats. The idea is to remove all off their 'finger-tips', bone and all, and leaving nerves + blood vessels + ligaments exposed. Skin is then stitched to keep the tissues cover. It's a cruel procedure.
Alright, so I have a new question for you specifically since I dont know if anyone else could realistically answer but: What is the risk of contracting capnocytophaga if the dog and person in question only have mouth to mouth contact? I know many people on here do participate in mouth action with their dogs and this would be pretty helpful to know
The risk is fairly low. I only allow clean dogs with fairly non-malodourous mouths to lick the inside of my own mouth.
Capnocytophaga can do serious damage if left to fester in an opened wound. Good bacteria in your gut and the gut wall forms a physical barrier for Capnocytophaga from entering your body. If you have a healthy digestive system with no gastric or gut ulceration, you shouldn't get that bacterial infection.
Feel free to rinse your mouth out after a K9 french-kissing session! ;)
The risk is fairly low. I only allow clean dogs with fairly non-malodourous mouths to lick the inside of my own mouth.
Capnocytophaga can do serious damage if left to fester in an opened wound. Good bacteria in your gut and the gut wall forms a physical barrier for Capnocytophaga from entering your body. If you have a healthy digestive system with no gastric or gut ulceration, you shouldn't get that bacterial infection.
Feel free to rinse your mouth out after a K9 french-kissing session! ;)
Very helpful response! I dont participate with any female dogs current but this will be useful in the future when I am giving her away all the love and happiness i can
The risk is fairly low. I only allow clean dogs with fairly non-malodourous mouths to lick the inside of my own mouth.
Capnocytophaga can do serious damage if left to fester in an opened wound. Good bacteria in your gut and the gut wall forms a physical barrier for Capnocytophaga from entering your body. If you have a healthy digestive system with no gastric or gut ulceration, you shouldn't get that bacterial infection.
Feel free to rinse your mouth out after a K9 french-kissing session! ;)
thank you for your wonderful insight, the force is strong with you ;) :cool: