Well to me, a mare is the cream..giggidy.. Of the crop. They are unmatched in muscle control! Well at least in my experience.
Never been with many exotics..ya never know tell u try.
Dogs are great lover's all around.
You can cuddle in your bed..
The sex with dogs is good, expecialy when you learn what parts are more sensitive.
My female k9 will clinch on my tip when I play with her clit. I can't give her more than the tip if I want her to clinch, at least until she cums then I can give her more.
I think it may be uncomfortable for her until she is very wet. I can go as long as my girl wants to go.
I can last about 5 to 10 min with a mare.
When I can go an hour or more with my k9.
Mares can grip your cock like you can't believe, until you experience it for yourself.
Cows are ok, but most of the one's I know are stuck up bitches.. Except for Queenie.
I prefer mares over them all.
Except for the hugging,cuddling with my k9's
Mares Trump them all..