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User gender protection


Staff member
Polls can be set to show who voted for what.
I do not see much practical use for it.
But I have seen it used many times to fish out which profiles are women. Because lots of people miss the notice that their vote will be public or they do not connect the dots what it is going to be used for.
@FloofyNewfie can the display votes publicly feature of polls be disabled?

What are some of the other legit uses of this feature?
I feel like the only use it would have is to learn more about a profile, for better or for worse. I can't actually see a reason someone would use it for good to be fair. To satiate curiosity or maybe closer to stalking are the only reasons I can think of. I'm a guy so it probably won't really affect me, but I would not shed a tear if it got disabled.
Hmmm it's tough one. Sometimes you are real but want to just admit something in a poll. But we are plagued with pretenders in all forums related. There are cons and pros because even if it is minority true to theyr words, but just dint want that one thing broadcasted it can effect the person, even if mostly it catches fakes. I'm not sure there is correct answer here. Personally can't make decision on few good people hurt Vs alot of fakers caught you know
If you want to state what gender you are, you can leave a comment. One that you have to deliberately write and think about. Rather than leaking your identity out in a poll.
If you want to state what gender you are, you can leave a comment. One that you have to deliberately write and think about. Rather than leaking your identity out in a poll.
No I get you. Trolls can hurt people though also if not found out. Meanwhile some entrapment is always wrong. I'm just being devils advocate. For discussion sake
And too I feel like if someone wants to know somebody's gender for whatever reason they have, they can just... ask? I feel like especially in a place like this you should never feel obligated to answer something or give information you don't want to. Being a male to me isn't exactly unique. But I completely understand a woman (or a man, for that matter) not wanting to share because there are a lot of creeps or people who only want to seek harm. I've seen it discussed here with things like posting your face as a profile picture and someone you know could see it, use it against you.

So I guess all that to say, there definitely are people out there wanting to hurt others like the trolls. A gender isn't that unique, but can probably be used against someone if enough information is present. Then of course you have the horny creeps and weirdos lol.
Please don't go against me it's all in name of good discussion. Is there a good example of a poll that hurts real genuine users Vs being caught in lies about theyr whole persona I could see so I understand better the issue? It's only because I thought we were in a anonymous space already so I am wanting to understand the implications in a genuine way. And how it comes about.
Sorry if it seemed like that. I truly am not. Your post just gave me some more thoughts I was just putting down that anyone could expand on if they want. I can't think of specific examples but more like the combined answers of all surveys and posts. Surveys are easy to just click and move on so more people could be inclined to do them. For example if Pes posted a comment that sounded like someone I know, I could potentially look through their posts or survey answers and get information like gender or help narrow down place of residence to figure out if I actually do know them. Of course, I am too lazy to do that. Some people are not.

I'm just bringing up a second possible issue. A lot of forums aside from this one you'll hear sometimes that once people know you're a woman, you'll get DMed by a lot of men and I doubt most women would want that.

You asked a good question though and I'm kind of curious now for a more specific example.
Sorry if it seemed like that. I truly am not. Your post just gave me some more thoughts I was just putting down that anyone could expand on if they want. I can't think of specific examples but more like the combined answers of all surveys and posts. Surveys are easy to just click and move on so more people could be inclined to do them. For example if Pes posted a comment that sounded like someone I know, I could potentially look through their posts or survey answers and get information like gender or help narrow down place of residence to figure out if I actually do know them. Of course, I am too lazy to do that. Some people are not.

I'm just bringing up a second possible issue. A lot of forums aside from this one you'll hear sometimes that once people know you're a woman, you'll get DMed by a lot of men and I doubt most women would want that.

You asked a good question though and I'm kind of curious now for a more specific example.
Oh no I'm sorry ment generally not at you specifically.
I can appreciate why some (a lot?) of women would prefer not to disclose that they are female considering all the wankers that will/would solicit them. Personally I find this contemptible and disgusting. This type of crap, humans chasing after each other opposite or same sex, or those that are looking to have a fling with someone else's animals validates what a messed up species we are regarding sex and sexuality. I'm grateful that staff here does a decent job of eliminating abusers and trolls...
The use case for non-anonymous polls are probably for non-contentious topics. "What is your favorite furry species?" Oh cool, now I know who likes werekoalas. I can start a group of them.

I don't mind what happens to this feature but there's nothing wrong with it, just how it may be used.
Polls can be set to show who voted for what.
I do not see much practical use for it.
But I have seen it used many times to fish out which profiles are women. Because lots of people miss the notice that their vote will be public or they do not connect the dots what it is going to be used for.
@FloofyNewfie can the display votes publicly feature of polls be disabled?

What are some of the other legit uses of this feature?
Thought bout this. It's such double edge sword. In the end id take 10 fantasised liars uncought over one real good hearted person hurt. The unknown is what those 10 loose do. Do they hurt. But you can't forsee the future so yeah no there shouldt be an entrapment way in any form what so ever available. If you want to know more you ask the person for some proof directly.