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Urgent Help Dog Semen Is Light Pink

I just let my boi hump me from behind again with my fleshlight and his semen is slightly pink? How serious is this? And what can i do about it that wouldnt alert my parents.
Check carefully (best if your dog is aroused) and sensitively for small wounds. Might be a small wound on the penis itself which resulted in this.

If it stays pink the next time you both do anything, I recommend to go to a vet. Tell that your dog humped some box / furniture in your room recently, which you don't care about. But he left droplets which looked pink / red (don't get into a discussion about -what- those droplets are, else it might leave you blushing or feeling inadequate if you are not used to veterinary styled discussions and analysis. Just describe it as if you would describe a fault on a vacuum cleaner).

So you want a health check for potential testicular problems or pains.

Might be more problematic if your parents actually have to pay for it or they join you on the veterinary visit, as then it's not as easy to tell "Oh no, he needs his testicles as my family intents to let him breed with a dog of one of their friends" - surely not a good idea if your parents are there with you.

This as a warning as the check might result in the suggestion of the veterinary for castration / neutering.
Check carefully (best if your dog is aroused) and sensitively for small wounds. Might be a small wound on the penis itself which resulted in this.

If it stays pink the next time you both do anything, I recommend to go to a vet. Tell that your dog humped some box / furniture in your room recently, which you don't care about. But he left droplets which looked pink / red (don't get into a discussion about -what- those droplets are, else it might leave you blushing or feeling inadequate if you are not used to veterinary styled discussions and analysis. Just describe it as if you would describe a fault on a vacuum cleaner).

So you want a health check for potential testicular problems or pains.

Might be more problematic if your parents actually have to pay for it or they join you on the veterinary visit, as then it's not as easy to tell "Oh no, he needs his testicles as my family intents to let him breed with a dog of one of their friends" - surely not a good idea if your parents are there with you.

This as a warning as the check might result in the suggestion of the veterinary for castration / neutering.
Is it fine for now? He doesn't have a cut, it was coming out of his tip. He doesn't seem in pain right now and is back in his sheath, panting. And its not painful when I touch his junk.
As long as the amount was very slightly, don't worry about "right now". Take an old bucket or something like that and go for a walk, catching some of his urine in the bucket.

Check it for blood spots or coloring. If nothing is to see or the coloring is very, very slightly, it can as well be just an internal small wound. Rare, but after all you both did have sexual activities and he was not just sleeping around with no mechanical movements of his reproductive organs.
Something to add:
If you want, you can (best would be some later time in a situation when your dog is basically stress-free resting and doesn't care about it) check his testicles carefully for irregularities, pain.

If you feel something off, like growth, I recommend a veterinary visit. A prostate check is not easy as it is positioned internally and without experience where and how to check it, it's probably not bringing any clear result at all.
Possible prostate issues? If he’s sperting pink over just having some ruptured capillaries after the deed I’d take Him in for a check up.
i recommend going to the vet ASAP. pinkish coloring means blood. my only experience (and why i am all "fine for now is bs") with this was a boy also ejaculating pink colored semen. turned out to be bladder infection, a pretty bad one. he didn't show any pain or symptoms of not being well. i told the vet he peed on a white wall and i just noticed weird color.
As long as the amount was very slightly, don't worry about "right now".
this is probably the worst piece of advice one can give about issue involving blood without known source.
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.. this is probably the worst piece of advice one can give about issue involving blood without known source.

A light pink tone by ejaculating does not for itself speak for a bladder infection, more for an UTI below & behind the bladder or different reasons which are not easily detectable by described measures.

If you decide to ignore just half of what I wrote in regards of an easy check of the urine by taking into consideration an adequate amount of it via collection through a vessel, then you undermine the complete concept of a quick check which as well will at least in adequately advanced countries be done on the vets office.

Even one drop of blood leaves a noticeable reddish color in around 150 ml of captured urine. If through collection and examination there is the reddish tone visible, I would as well suggest a veterinary check.

A bladder infection is not fatal in several hours after the first signs (I wrote this sarcastically, as it is not deadly for days to weeks and rarely without pain after it spread further to the kidneys, as example), nor would the treatment reach reduction of symptoms until 1 to 3 hours (depending on the type) after intake of adequately corresponding antibiotics orally, as most UTIs and bladder infects are still treated by oral antibiotics and not intravenous ones. "Right now" has passed until then.

This speaks against emergency rushes "right now". I did not say "not today", nor "not tomorrow". More clearly: If there's blood visible in the urine, a chemical contact test on vets office is the first thing to (let) do. I can not suggest something directly to people who don't possess those. 🤷‍♂️

Any more comments on my very simple and basic instruction regarding a visible blood in urine self check which did not state any further measures after blood would be detected?
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I would take him to the vet for a checkup! You can tell your parents you saw a bit of blood in the urine, if you're worried about their response. Presence of blood without a known source can be the start of something sinister, and it's always best to catch those things early. Of course it could also be something benign but it's better to be safe than sorry. If you're sexually active with him then I'd also want to be sure he doesn't have an infection.
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This is the second post you put for urogenital bleeding in like a week. Last one sounded like bleeding from penis or sheath (common cause you'd want to exclude would be something like getting his knot swollen inside the sheath and then pushing it out).. Could he be bleeding from the same place and it just mixed into the semen?
The idea of catching urine and/or semen and evaluating if it persistently contains blood by looking at it is pretty rudimentary, but it's a simple straightforward way to start. Taking him to the vet is always the safest bet, and yes the vet will ask what's up and likely recommend neutering him if he's got testicular or prostate problems.