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Uplift Thread

The book Stand On Zanzibar had some thoughts on uplifted animals. Studies showed the animals with intelligence heightened above the stone stupid human average would kill themselves every time. Thrusting sapience onto another being is highly unethical.

Edit: For the record I think the IDEA of talking dogs is amazing and I want one to be my best friend, but I understand how incredibly wrong it would be to do that to another living being.

What do you think?
Is it possible?
Do you think it will happen in your lifetime?
Would it help people understand and accept this community?
I saw a Netflix documentary last night about how dogs think. I was amazed by the show and the different aspects of dog communication and the advances in dog psychology studies. They are definitely more intelligent and expressive then most people give credit for.
I saw a Netflix documentary last night about how dogs think. I was amazed by the show and the different aspects of dog communication and the advances in dog psychology studies. They are definitely more intelligent and expressive then most people give credit for.
I also watched that this weekend & was amazed.
I saw a Netflix documentary last night about how dogs think. I was amazed by the show and the different aspects of dog communication and the advances in dog psychology studies. They are definitely more intelligent and expressive then most people give credit for.
What's the name of the documentary? i don't have netflix but i would like to look it up.

Look at planet of the apes scenario. Humans or at least the ones in charge are to frightened or shallow in their desire to cling to power, it will not happen for fear of loosing dominance.