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Until death do us past


Zooville Settler
Do you plan to be with your beloved pets only for a while or is it a feeling that will last until the end of your or your pet's life and will overcome all obstacles?
I suppose it depends on the persons situation or relationship with the animal?
Some it's a serious fulltime thing while others just have hookups.

For me it would def be a serious long term thing.
But the idea there's stud alpha Dog's out there that just hookup with women is enjoyable
I mean, I expect to live a lot longer than him. But yes, I will totally be with him until he passes. I’m not going to give him away or anything if that’s what you’re asking.
Of course I plan for us to be together for all our lives! I've be a psycho to abandon my girl before she passes away!!!
A dog/human relationship is not like a human/human relationship. We zoophiles stay with our partners to death do us apart