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Training question


I am curious about how to train dog not to try and hump anyone other than me. Say company that comes over or relatives. Also, do your dogs become overly attached to you after you start mating with them? Thank you for all your help and advice!!
Also, do your dogs become overly attached to you after you start mating with them?
It happens.
I am curious about how to train dog not to try and hump anyone other than me.
My dog only ever attempts that when he is too horny. Otherwise I keep him sufficiently satisfied.
But if that ever happens, instruct your company to either ignore him or tell him off and if you expect company, blow your dog in advance. :D
I try to keep the dobi from humping me when anybody around. He’s always trying to whenever there people around me. He’s better if he can be with me b4.
I posted this before - I need to create a thread for it in information.

Use a specific piece of clothing or a specific toy only during time when it is ok to participate in activities. Reward the pup for the good behavior. Use your “bad dog” comments when the pup tries to participate without the selected item around. It will not take long for the dog to associate that item with go time and it’s absence as no time.
Reward the pup for the good behavior.
No. Do not train dogs or any animal for that matter for sex.
If you are consistent with how and when you have sex with your animal, the animal will notice and understand when sex is going to happen. You do not need and in fact do not want to use a command for sex.
If you add training elements into sex like shaping your dog's sexual behavior with treats and commands, sex will become a matter of performing a command and the animal will not have a choice.
Would simply showing your own genitalia constitute for this? Fell like that would be more practical
No. A dog has a strong sense of scent - and this is what can lead to issues. Anyone heading into they cycle has a hormone change and the dog will pick up on it. Their inherent reaction to mate hits over drive. However, they have a stronger will to serve their pack and get acceptance (sounds like a lot of humans these days)… so they will respond to the item of praise first and instinct second (if trained properly
No. Do not train dogs or any animal for that matter for sex.
If you are consistent with how and when you have sex with your animal, the animal will notice and understand when sex is going to happen. You do not need and in fact do not want to use a command for sex.
If you add training elements into sex like shaping your dog's sexual behavior with treats and commands, sex will become a matter of performing a command and the animal will not have a choice.
I didn’t mean a command - I meant a cue
No. Do not train dogs or any animal for that matter for sex.
If you are consistent with how and when you have sex with your animal, the animal will notice and understand when sex is going to happen. You do not need and in fact do not want to use a command for sex.
If you add training elements into sex like shaping your dog's sexual behavior with treats and commands, sex will become a matter of performing a command and the animal will not have a choice.
Duh - When looking at this from a different angle, I fail to see the difference.

Acting consequently actually means you train your lover to detect when you are ready for sex, right?

Setting knowingly trigger points (aka train for sex), will only work if you do that consequently. e.g only allow sex if you are on a red blanket. If you then have sex without the red blanket, that is not consequent and will confuse your hairy lover. Pavlov reflex etc.

Personally I believe it is much easier for most people, to consciously decide for a trigger point and stick to that. And it will be much harder, to be consequent, if you have not thought about trigger points - because then your complete every day behavior could qualify as a trigger and hell, who really is aware of everything they do on a 24/7 basis.
Duh - When looking at this from a different angle, I fail to see the difference.

Acting consequently actually means you train your lover to detect when you are ready for sex, right?

Setting knowingly trigger points (aka train for sex), will only work if you do that consequently. e.g only allow sex if you are on a red blanket. If you then have sex without the red blanket, that is not consequent and will confuse your hairy lover. Pavlov reflex etc.

Personally I believe it is much easier for most people, to consciously decide for a trigger point and stick to that. And it will be much harder, to be consequent, if you have not thought about trigger points - because then your complete every day behavior could qualify as a trigger and hell, who really is aware of everything they do on a 24/7 basis.
Have you read the article?
Here is the problem with blankets, rooms and clothes mentioned above. My approach of not training animals for sex is meant to allow an animal to give consent by allowing the animal to ask for sex. While both of you retain the right to refuse.

Your red blanket approach puts solely you into the position of asking for sex. The animal is not allowed to ask for sex or show any intention to outside of the allowed moment when the clothes/blanket come out.

If the animal then has sex with you and you reward that behavior by either treats or verbal praise used for training, you are training the behavior.
If the animal does not want sex when you roll out your blanket, there are people who will be disappointed and keep shoving the blanket into the animal's face until sex finally happens.

At this point sex with the use of a trigger like this becomes the question of the animal not having any choice. It becomes a potentially punishable command that is performed when You want and may be simply endured without the ability to refuse.
Here is the problem with blankets, rooms and clothes mentioned above. My approach of not training animals for sex is meant to allow an animal to give consent by allowing the animal to ask for sex. While both of you retain the right to refuse.

Your red blanket approach puts solely you into the position of asking for sex. The animal is not allowed to ask for sex or show any intention to outside of the allowed moment when the clothes/blanket come out.

If the animal then has sex with you and you reward that behavior by either treats or verbal praise used for training, you are training the behavior.
If the animal does not want sex when you roll out your blanket, there are people who will be disappointed and keep shoving the blanket into the animal's face until sex finally happens.

At this point sex with the use of a trigger like this becomes the question of the animal not having any choice. It becomes a potentially punishable command that is performed when You want and may be simply endured without the ability to refuse.
Well, I feel there are some flaws in your logic and the principles it is based upon. In this thread and the one you referred to.

The topic of "consent" is a very debatable and highly complex one. Personally, I don`t see this as a black/white (political correct "binary") topic but some thing that has many shades of grey.

Two examples:
When a human female does not feel the urge for sex, but gives in to the sexual advances of her male human partner because she enjoys bringing pleasure to her partner, or because she believes this is expected of her (as spouse) or because she knows it relaxes the male beast enough for the more serious discussions of life?

In male dogs, the sex drive seems extreme - I have never seen a male dog sitting idle on the sofa when a neighbors bitch was in heat. If you would leave the door open, the male dog would be gone in seconds. So basically, male dogs are always ready sex machines because mother nature put the priority of reproduction very high onto their list.

I see the general topic in consent with animals that they are animals. Does a dog consent when you give the command "sit"? Heck, no. The animal has just learned it makes you (pack leader) happy that when this funny noise comes out of your face so it puts the behind on the floor. So it is absolutely normal that humans condition their pets - that is the only way how pets can live so close to us humans. Otherwise they would not be pets and live in a barn. And I honestly have never seen a cow that consented to being killed because humans like to eat steak or have leather seats in their car. So the topic of consent is freaking broad.

Even if I disagree on your very tight definition of "training a pet", I agree that it is a no go to punish any living being for things it does not want to do. And here I want to redirect the discussion into how we as humans try to influence our surroundings. I fail to see the difference between beating your dog because it will not sit when you command it to. Or if you beat your kids because they do not do their home work. In both cases it is down to the person in power to interact with those depending on him or her. The buzz word for me is positive reinforcement of behavior. With animals this is more basic, with our human environment a lot more complex - but the principle remains.

Nough said - piece