I think some people are just desperate and trying what they see others do to gain attention to potentially have a fluffy rendezvous. Most owners don't seem very quick to meet up unless its possibly for a chance at personally getting laid or they prefer watching. Many owners I'm aware of do seem more then willing to share their knowledge, but that may be selection bias on my part.
We have different groups in the same basket with a thinly veiled tie together. The only unified thing we have in common isn't really enough for proper human connection, not to mention its in a group most likely to forgo classical human connections and intimacy.
I'm a bit paranoid so I often delete, abandon, or recreate profiles. From time to time I'll do a digital spring cleaning and leave no trace of any of this requiring yet another profile. For that reason, among others, its difficult for me to make sustained fully open connections. They have to hit a certain level before I'll take communications off this platform and that requires a level of trust most are not willing to go through when you won't get anything back from me other then friendship from what is a bat shit crazy person with antisocial tendencies.
I like the idea of a relationship with a human, but the reality of it is very difficult for me. Too many Humans have let me down. I've never had an animal lie to me. I've recovered and you wouldn't know I harbor these thoughts outside of this forum, but I do. They have never gone away, they have only been reinforced with time. I've become better at picking friends, and even better at keeping them at just the right distance to be close enough to have a connection and far enough that they can't harm me much if I choose wrong.
I don't believe I'm alone in many of these attributes that result in this forum feeling like its full of fake profiles, and for that, I'm sorry.