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Tips to reduce biting?

I hope my malinois has stopped biting by the time she is 2. Hell, I'd be happy if she'd just learn to stop biting at my face and biting then twisting my fingers.
I should also update that he has since grown out of biting me, really only nibbles when we get to playing.
That's a good thing. Dogs can, if teached, adjust their muscle power very carefully and be as gentle as a lick regarding playing with skin.
And as they mostly don't actively want to wound anyone, they try to be careful as well, if not distracted.

I hope my malinois has stopped biting by the time she is 2. Hell, I'd be happy if she'd just learn to stop biting at my face and biting then twisting my fingers.
No idea why anyone would let a dog bite the face. I would react the same as another canid in that situation and snap back, growling seriously.

They should know that face and head are very sensitive and dangerous things to play with rough as humans and most other fur-less mammals can easily die if pierced by a fang in that region.
That's a good thing. Dogs can, if teached, adjust their muscle power very carefully and be as gentle as a lick regarding playing with skin.
And as they mostly don't actively want to wound anyone, they try to be careful as well, if not distracted.

No idea why anyone would let a dog bite the face. I would react the same as another canid in that situation and snap back, growling seriously.

They should know that face and head are very sensitive and dangerous things to play with rough as humans and most other fur-less mammals can easily die if pierced by a fang in that region.
Mals are just really bitey. You can't break it without breaking part of their spirit. If you can't put up with it, you should just stay away from the breed. She really isn't hurtful;, she just gets carried away and you get teeth in the face. She also only does it to me.
Mals are just really bitey. You can't break it without breaking part of their spirit. If you can't put up with it, you should just stay away from the breed. She really isn't hurtful;, she just gets carried away and you get teeth in the face. She also only does it to me.
I disagree, but even if you get the bitey part out they remain pretty shit dogs to be fair. They are beautiful but as a pet they are terrible. I had a housemate with one for a few years, wasnt raised up to my standards so had to (re)train that stubborn piece of dog quite a bit but it was always testing me and everyone else, and I could never fully trust it. It never bit me though. I wasnt sad to see the owner leave with it again.
I disagree, but even if you get the bitey part out they remain pretty shit dogs to be fair. They are beautiful but as a pet they are terrible. I had a housemate with one for a few years, wasnt raised up to my standards so had to (re)train that stubborn piece of dog quite a bit but it was always testing me and everyone else, and I could never fully trust it. It never bit me though. I wasnt sad to see the owner leave with it again.
Weird. I absolutely love this breed so far. She is smart, attentive, stunningly beautiful and quite affectionate. She is pretty much like a movie star wherever she goes, everyone loves her. She is a bit stubborn, but just enough to show she can think for herself.
It may just be a phase, but if it persists beyond let's say 12 months, something needs to be done. Especially if you intend to let the dog fuck or lick you. For dogs it is not uncommon to nip during sex, of as a foreplay. Problem is, we aren't real bitches, and a human skin isn't made for that. Here is what to do. Whenever he nips, grab his lower jaw by putting your thumb under his tongue and holding against it with your index and middle finger from underneath. A dog cannot close its jaw when you do that. Then look at him and say "NO!" Chances are that he will catch on and stop nipping in order to avoid the unpleasant experience. If he doesn't, then get a vibration collar (some come with sounds). Whenever he nips, push the button on the remote and vibrate him and make a nasty sound. That will cure him.
Alpha theory in canines has long since been debunked. I should also update that he has since grown out of biting me, really only nibbles when we get to playing.
I am thinking you took my response much to literally. And, like it or not, someone still has to be boss. As a famous vet once said, don't let your dog train you.
So I got to thinking and part of the issue might just be that he still has his sharp puppy teeth. Once he drops them it might get better.
It probably will, but there are reasons you might want to positively stop the behavior. Especially if there are other things he chews, such as electrical wires, or if you or someone in the house are immuno-compromised, he should quit. A way to accomplish this is pure capsicum oil, available at garden shops or mail order. It is refined peppers....nothing left but the heat. Few critters will chew on it. It will burn YOUR skin, so Id invest in a couple of pairs of cotton gloves with a flesh colored latex glove over a pair....paint the gloves with the capsicum, and maybe one of his favorite toys. Let it dry....then put the gloves on and toss him that toy. It wont hurt him....dogs have much tougher mouths than we have hands. He'll get the message quick. Then when he comes over for a pat and a chew on YOU, he'll scent the capsicum and let your hand alone. Be consistent for a week or so, and he'll forget. Babies of all mammal species learn with their mouths to some extent. Its wired to the brain directly. Its cheap, and it will save your hide.

The stuff is useful to keep deer and the like out of your garden, and cats out of the sandbox....and it will stop horses and cattle from "cribbing"
and it will stop horses and cattle from "cribbing"
Sometimes... Knew a cribber/chewer back in arizona. Painted everything he could get to with the hottest stuff we could find. He chewed/cribbed even more - "regular" 2x4 would take him about a week to gnaw through. 2x4 painted with the stuff? Yum! More ketchup, please! He wiped it out in less than a day!
Occasionally one will get a taste for the stuff...hard to tell why....but its rare. Cribbing is a neurosis, in its way....probably why.
Je pense que vous avez pris ma réponse au pied de la lettre. Et, qu'on le veille ou non, quelqu'un doit toujours être le patron. Comme l'a dit un célèbre vétérinaire, ne laissez pas votre chien vous dresser.
Donc la relation que tu veux avoir un chien est donc la même que celle qu'un patron peut avoir avec son employé.
Une relation saine, c'est un chien qui obéit parce qu'il voit en toi une personne de confiance et surtout une personne qui est respectueuse.
Ce sont ces mêmes vétérinaires qui font des stérilisations et castrations de masse pour soit dire une question de comportement et de cancer, dans le font c'est surtout pour l'argent... Donc a écouter n'importe qui ont fini par faire n 'importe quoi.
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Un moyen d'y parvenir est l'huile de poivron pure
Y'a du niveau ici, tu pourrais aussi essayer de comprendre le fonctionnement de ton chien et cela évitera d'arriver à ce genre de solutions idiotes.
Mais bon comprendre son chien c'est prendre du temps et prendre du temps c'est chiant.
Surtout que dans ce cas tu n'arrivera a rien, un chien c'est pas con ....
Y'a du niveau ici, tu pourrais aussi essayer de comprendre le fonctionnement de ton chien et cela évitera d'arriver à ce genre de solutions idiotes.
Mais bon comprendre son chien c'est prendre du temps et prendre du temps c'est chiant.
Surtout que dans ce cas tu n'arrivera a rien, un chien c'est pas con ....
English would be nice ( sorry, I dont think the translator likes "Bubba")...But by the time you "understand" the obvious, the dog COULD BE DEAD from electrocution, OR someone with a compromised immune system could have a bad infection. Dogs may have a rep for a cleaner mouth, but puppies eat anything....including cat shit. I dont want the little bugger drawing MY blood after that kind of snack, although in your part of the World it may be an Hors d 'oerve. So with as much due respect as you merit with your idiot answer....print it, roll it tight, and put it where the sun wont fade the ink.
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Donc la relation que tu veux avoir un chien est donc la même que celle qu'un patron peut avoir avec son employé.
Une relation saine, c'est un chien qui obéit parce qu'il voit en toi une personne de confiance et surtout une personne qui est respectueuse.
Ce sont ces mêmes vétérinaires qui font des stérilisations et castrations de masse pour soit dire une question de comportement et de cancer, dans le font c'est surtout pour l'argent... Donc a écouter n'importe qui ont fini par faire n 'importe quoi.
Je n’ai jamais eu un patron qui essayait de me mordre. ? ? ? ?
I think this could be two things

He is still young, when he gets older he should stop that, but as he is still youth, by raising your voice to reprimand him and spanking him a couple of times with a belt, he will learn who is the boss and will stop it every time you show it to him.

In the other hand, If you yelp showing that he hurts you, he may relate you as a female dog, and he is tring to dominate you by playing, he may not know very well what he is doing, but he may be playing and learning for future mating.
Just show him who is the boss at this momment.
Hope this can help you
L'anglais serait bien (désolé, je ne pense pas que le traducteur aime "Bubba")... Mais au moment où vous "comprenez" l'évidence, le chien POURRAIT ÊTRE MORT d'une électrocution, OU quelqu'un avec un système immunitaire affaibli pourrait avoir une mauvaise infection. Les chiens peuvent avoir la réputation d'avoir une bouche plus propre, mais les chiots mangent n'importe quoi... y compris la merde de chat. Je ne veux pas que le petit bougre puise MON a chanté après ce genre de collation, bien que dans votre partie du monde, cela pourrait être un Hors d'oerve. Donc, avec tout le respect que vous méritez avec votre réponse idiote... imprimez-la, roulez-la bien et placez-la là où le soleil ne fanera pas l'encre.
J'ai écrit en anglais mais le forum a tout traduit en français alors désolé et merci pour l'effort d'avoir traduit ton texte en français.
Mais attends c'est a toi de faire en sorte que la maison soit sure, le meilleur conseil aurait été de lui dire d'aller voir un BON éducateur canin.

Apres pour stopper son mordillement essayer de trouver des alternatives Exemple : Si il te mort dis : "non" et passe lui après un substitut qui peut mordre sans danger et non douloureux comme un jouer pour rediriger son envie de mordiller et lui faire comprendre que morde mon bras c'est non mais le jouer c'est oui.

Y'a plein de raison pour demander un chiot mordille. Mais si tu t'y prends de la bonne manière et avec un peu de temps ça devrait le faire.
Et j'insiste si on ne sait pas faire alors il vaut voir un BON éducateur canin plutôt que de jouer les apprentis sorcier et détruire la relation maitre-chien.
J'ai écrit en anglais mais le forum a tout traduit en français alors désolé et merci pour l'effort d'avoir traduit ton texte en français.
Mais attends c'est a toi de faire en sorte que la maison soit sure, le meilleur conseil aurait été de lui dire d'aller voir un BON éducateur canin.

Apres pour stopper son mordillement essayer de trouver des alternatives Exemple : Si il te mort dis : "non" et passe lui après un substitut qui peut mordre sans danger et non douloureux comme un jouer pour rediriger son envie de mordiller et lui faire comprendre que morde mon bras c'est non mais le jouer c'est oui.

Y'a plein de raison pour demander un chiot mordille. Mais si tu t'y prends de la bonne manière et avec un peu de temps ça devrait le faire.
Et j'insiste si on ne sait pas faire alors il vaut voir un BON éducateur canin plutôt que de jouer les apprentis sorcier et détruire la relation maitre-chien.
Not worth the effort to translate. If you dont like the solution, froggy, no one said you must do it. But its a solution, it works, and its quick enough to be worthwhile. If you can't understand that, its not my problem, its yours...Enjoy your Day.
Ne vaut pas la peine de traduire. Si vous n'aimez pas la solution, froggy, personne n'a dit que vous deviez le faire. Mais c'est une solution, ça marche, et c'est assez rapide pour en valoir la peine. Si vous ne pouvez pas comprendre cela, ce n'est pas mon problème, c'est le vôtre... Profitez de votre journée.
Veux-tu vraiment le meilleur pour le chien ? N'est-ce pas la condition pour être un véritable zoophile ? Cette sexualité si particulière qui nous amène un tisser un lien puissant avec ses animaux ?

Ce n'est absolument pas une question de goût mais celle de la relation que l'on veut entretenir avec son chien. Qui veux-tu être aux yeux de ton chien ?

Tu me parles de rapidité mais comprendre le chien ça prend du temps et tu ne sais pas comment est la personne à qui tu donnes tes conseils, tu ne sais pas non plus comment elle va les appliquer.
La vitesse est a proscrire car c'est elle qui amène les gens a taper leurs chiens car ce sont des frustrés avec un ego démesuré et qui ne veulent pas réfléchir avec leurs chiens parce qu'ils veulent tout, tout de suite.

Il y a pleins de façon d'apprendre un chiot à ne pas mordiller simplement il faut s'y prendre de la bonne façon !!
When I was young any time my folks wood get a new pup iand they did this they would get a a stern no and snip on the nose or gentle swat it worked well with no harm if it was done consistnatly, they would also get a gentle slap with something they were chewing on if it was not be used as a chew toy. We got them things that were meant to be teethed on such a s rawhide chunks and sticks because they like a child will need this.. They learn quite quickly what is acceptable and not. You must understand your pup is just that a pup and as such all it really understands and cares about is its wants, needs, and desires. It does not know any better yet. What it really needs is much love, kindness, and patience and direction form you. It will in time learn good behavior.
I second this. This is almost the exact method we used. (Lab/rottweiler mix) A little bit of training made a big diffrence. We also took him to a professional a while back and that further reinforced good non-bitting habits.
Finalement j'ai l'impression que personne n'a eu la curiosité de savoir pourquoi est ce qu'un chiot mordille. . .
Hace tiempo que la teoría alfa en los caninos ha sido desacreditada. También debería actualizar que desde entonces ha dejado de morderme, en realidad solo mordisquea cuando nos ponemos a jugar
I have a pitbull puppy who also bites me hard... the first time he started with licking and then when he felt more fluid come out of me he bit me lightly... the second time he bit me hard I can say he bit me so hard that I saw A lot of blood comes out of my lips... I love that he licks me, and takes my fluid in a soggy soup with his tongue!