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This as porn

I have a real issue with this subject viewed as pornography. I have limited experience with it having known only one person that was active sexually with their companion. I can state that I do not believe that her relations with her companion were by any means porn to her. Yes they may have been satisfying to her but I know fully well that she was not active just to utilize him for an orgasm. She actually had feelings for all animals and would get more upset seeing an animal abused than a person. Her and my opinion on Dogs, animals in general is their are no bad animals only bad owners.
I am also going to go out on a limb here and this is just my opinion, I do not believe that 99 percent of any male dog that mounts a female owner is forced to do so, calling it animal cruelty is society's way of punishing an act that they don't understand or accept. I will say and this is were I am going to raise hackles, is that I do not believe that men that mate with a bitch are doing it of the bitches free will. I do not believe a bitch is going to willingly back up to your cock. Sorry but I have had dogs all my life and NOT been sexual with them but I have seen a Saluki bitch in heat, tear the shit out of a Great Pry and Bouiver because she didnt want them, why should she want you?
Hm... because we make the bitch horny first and have better manners than a male dog? I mean from your point of view it might be a valid question, guys like me only know it works, not exactly why. But I've had bitches backing up against me - even dogs of neighbors that I cuddled in public move so that my hand scritches their ass (pretty much making them come to me every time they see me) and going from there they don't mind at all if you touch their pussy - I simply don't annoy a bitch as much as a male dog would do. Also having experience with male dogs they can be very insistent. But back to bitches - a bitch in heat I met moved in a way that I couldn't even avoid her pussy without concentrating on doing so, so I pretty much rubbed her pussy while chatting with her owner about other stuff. Another bitch in the neighborhood does that even when not in heat and sometimes tries to jump on me to hump me - which works as I tend to squat while cuddling her. Well, I have more experiences with the dogs of other zoos, and they had no problem at all when I cuddled them and touched their pussy or licked them, and when she didn't want any she always just went away or sat down, which happened to me with a bitch when I was halfway in her for example. On the other hand there was another bitch in heat I remember that was so horny she pressed herself against me till I popped in and then I stopped because she was so tight I was thinking that'd hurt her when it's that uncomfortable for me. I've even rubbed the nipples and pussy of a bitch I've known to seriously hurt another dog that was too insistent with her. and was rewarded by a lickjob the next day (She a scared and submissive victim ? Nope, I was slightly scared XD).
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