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The Captains wife

The following is as true as dread. While training to be a medic in the army ( Fort Bragg ) I was in scrubs on a night rotation at Womack Army Medical Center, when we got the call that there was in coming injury... 35 yo female with possible internal hemmoraging . ok? We prep the Er, and contact the OBGYN on call.
Three minutes later the ? pulls up, and out pops the Guernsey with a DISTRAUGHT woman, on all fours facing away from a panting, happy looking ( under the circumstances ) German Shepherd. A big boy. They were covered in the middle by a white sheet but it was apparent they were stuck together. I had no idea of this phenomenon I had no idea that this sort of thing could happen with the doctor, being a somewhat worldly man I knew exactly what to do. As soon as they got to the ER he ordered for some ice water, then poured it on the union between them. I don't have to tell you what happened next, but this poor lady had to explain herself, and then we had to contact her husband. He was a captain with the 82nd and on a field exercise t d y. Being a civilian she wasn't punishable under the UCMJ no, but they were no longer married after that. Can you imagine what went through her head when she picked up the phone to call the ambulance?

That is pretty much nonsense. A gsd does not have a large enough knot to knot a vagina which is not equipped with the anatomical structures that facilitate knotting.
Pretty much all knotting you see in porn is done by holding the knot either with your hand or by the legs to prevent the dog from jumping off. Otherwise even larger knots can very freely go in and out.
A female dog is specifically equipped with a ring muscle that holds the knot and it is the female dog who holds the knot and provides stimulation to it.
A dog can very quickly loose erection if they need to. And moving a dog into the ambulance while "knotted" would definitely cause that, let alone the fact that a typical knotting does not take more than about 15 minutes. The whole moving the couple would take more than that.
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The following is as true as dread. While training to be a medic in the army ( Fort Bragg ) I was in scrubs on a night rotation at Womack Army Medical Center, when we got the call that there was in coming injury... 35 yo female with possible internal hemmoraging . ok? We prep the Er, and contact the OBGYN on call.
Three minutes later the ? pulls up, and out pops the Guernsey with a DISTRAUGHT woman, on all fours facing away from a panting, happy looking ( under the circumstances ) German Shepherd. A big boy. They were covered in the middle by a white sheet but it was apparent they were stuck together. I had no idea of this phenomenon I had no idea that this sort of thing could happen with the doctor, being a somewhat worldly man I knew exactly what to do. As soon as they got to the ER he ordered for some ice water, then poured it on the union between them. I don't have to tell you what happened next, but this poor lady had to explain herself, and then we had to contact her husband. He was a captain with the 82nd and on a field exercise t d y. Being a civilian she wasn't punishable under the UCMJ no, but they were no longer married after that. Can you imagine what went through her head when she picked up the phone to call the ambulance?
Yo bubba....there IS NO criminal charge for Bestiality under the UCMJ. That became a problem a few years ago when they tried to find a charge suitable for Sunsetv and her hub....also at Fort Bragg. If you're going to tell lies, at least TRY and make the details believable. How the hell old are you? Three?

Add-a-Deet: The soldier in question was busted for conduct unbecoming, animal cruelty under NC law, and tax evasion. He was dismissed the Service. This would have been between 2012 and 2018. It made the papers( again, easily accessible to normal people).
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Additionally, Bubba....you mentioned a 50K reward for your little escapade with the exotic horse? 50K? Your posts all show signs of you having a very bad memory for things you say. Medics, for instance, dont usually become Electricians... but you claimed in several posts not to know this stuff existed til you ran across a pig brothel? Where? When? Because you said the Horsie was 24 years ago....and youre 42 now? So the brothel was before that?

When you stretch the truth far enough, it snaps. Im not an angry zoo, bubba....I just seriously dislike liars.
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That is pretty much nonsense. A gsd does not have a large enough knot to knot a vagina which is not equipped with the anatomical structures that facilitate knotting.
Pretty much all knotting you see in porn is done by holding the knot either with your hand or by the legs to prevent the dog from jumping off. Otherwise even larger knots can very freely go in and out.
A female dog is specifically equipped with a ring muscle that holds the knot and it is the female dog who holds the knot and provides stimulation to it.
A dog can very quickly loose erection if they need to. And moving a dog into the ambulance while "knotted" would definitely cause that, let alone the fact that a typical knotting does not take more than about 15 minutes. The whole moving the couple would take more than that.
Pes....there was a fiction story years ago about a chickie who got stuck...and called 911 for help. There was a similar one involving Viagra. The children cant resist embellishing a tall tale. See below...oops...above.
Hey I don't know what to tell you LOL you don't have to believe me I know it's really unbelievable! Altruism throughout. I can't write this stuff if I could I wouldn't waste it on you and eyes it was like the perfect storm for this poor woman call the neighbours who heard her cry out then saw blood then called the bus driver who is just right there so from home to the ER maybe 5 minutes LOL poor lady. If I'm lying I'm crying :)
Additionally, Bubba....you mentioned a 50K reward for your little escapade with the exotic horse? 50K? Your posts all show signs of you having a very bad memory for things you say. Medics, for instance, dont usually become Electricians... but you claimed in several posts not to know this stuff existed til you ran across a pig brothel? Where? When? Because you said the Horsie was 24 years ago....and youre 42 now? So tge brothel was before that?

When you stretch the truth far enough, it snaps. Im not an angry zoo, bubba....I just seriously dislike liars.
I get it man it's really tough to believe yet... Here I am ;)
I get it man it's really tough to believe yet... Here I am ;)
That IS the problem, bubba....in a nutshell. You're here.
No wonder there was such a big TP shortage in the past two years. Theres no doubt, either, that YOU couldn't write this crap...You've cribbed most of it from other authors.
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Hey I don't know what to tell you LOL you don't have to believe me I know it's really unbelievable! Altruism throughout. I can't write this stuff if I could I wouldn't waste it on you and eyes it was like the perfect storm for this poor woman call the neighbours who heard her cry out then saw blood then called the bus driver who is just right there so from home to the ER maybe 5 minutes LOL poor lady. If I'm lying I'm crying :)
Weep away, Willie.
Hey man it happened I didn't question it. Maybe a flake of nature
Call it what you like, it's a crock of shit. If the dog got into her ass, MAYBE. The woman hasn't been made who can retain a knot vaginally without restraining the dog by other means. Period. The anatomy makes it impossible.
Girl was stuck word is bond
Dream on. Even anal, it's nearly always possible (Unless you start talking about "insanely huge" dogs - Y'know, the "His knot is the size of a softball" (good luck finding one of those, though... You figure out why) ) to "push" and shit the knot out - it might hurt, and PERHAPS even cause a tear, but there is no possible way that a dog is going to be bound solidly enough to someone, either anal or vaginal, that the knot can't be popped out - with or without some level of pain, and *MAYBE* injury.

Dude, I don't know what you're up to - Up until now, you've seemed reasonable. But frankly, this post/thread is doing a damned good job of convincing me that you're someone who has "heard just enough" that you THINK you know something, and you're trying to spew stuff that makes you sound credible - motivation? I won't even guess - You can take this as you like, but the plain fact is, this thread, PARTICULARLY your attempt to "double down" when you got called out for it, is going a LONG way toward convincing me that you're a bullshit artist.

Let's put a nice fine point on it: The anatomical differences between dogs and humans make an actual, solid, "can't get loose" tie *IMPOSSIBLE* outside of insanely huge size differences. When I say that, I mean something like an 8 year old girl that gets jumped and entered by something like a full-on mastiff, or some similarly unlikely situation. That's the ONLY situation where there's even the most miniscule CHANCE of such a thing happening.

You claim you "saw this happen". Sorry, bub, but there's only one valid response to that claim: LIAR! You didn't see it happen, and neither has anybody else in the history of the world. Because IT CAN NOT HAPPEN. I don't care how many times you claim you saw it, I don't care what you offer as "evidence", I don't care if you parade 400 doctors, nurses, and EMTs through to say that they saw it too - You're lying. Plain and simple.

Sorry if that trips your trigger, but them's the facts, and they aren't going to change to help you "make some bones" in the "community" (such as it is) - All you can do is prove to all onlookers that you're full of the stuff that falls out of the south end of a north-facing male bovine.
Hey I don't know what to tell you LOL you don't have to believe me I know it's really unbelievable! Altruism throughout. I can't write this stuff if I could I wouldn't waste it on you and eyes it was like the perfect storm for this poor woman call the neighbours who heard her cry out then saw blood then called the bus driver who is just right there so from home to the ER maybe 5 minutes LOL poor lady. If I'm lying I'm crying :)
Would you like some tissues? 'Cause the plain fact is, you're lying. End of story.