I know that Telegram is a very popular messaging app in the kink community. And I believe its probably pretty popular with the zoo community as well. But its important to remember that the threat model for zoo stuff is different than for kink stuff. People rarely get thrown in jail for tying each other up, or are forced to move across the Atlantic Ocean after being outed as a spanko.
There's a pretty good cypersecurity blog called Restore Privacy, and they did a review of Telegram that everyone here should read: https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-encrypted-messaging-apps/telegram/
TL;DR Telegram claims not to share user info (such as phone numbers) with governments except in cases of terrorism. But they are a private company with shady financials who use closed-source software and have been caught sharing information with the German government.
At the very least if you plan continue to use Telegram to talk about taboo stuff, you need to
1) only use Telegram through a court-tested VPN
2) pay for that VPN with crypto currency
3) always use Telegram's Secure Chat feature
4A) register your user account with a phone numer that can't be traced back to you
4B) register your account with a +888 anonymous number secured through the blockchain like Fragment: https://fragment.com
We don't want nobody to get locked up of this, okay
There's a pretty good cypersecurity blog called Restore Privacy, and they did a review of Telegram that everyone here should read: https://restoreprivacy.com/secure-encrypted-messaging-apps/telegram/
TL;DR Telegram claims not to share user info (such as phone numbers) with governments except in cases of terrorism. But they are a private company with shady financials who use closed-source software and have been caught sharing information with the German government.
At the very least if you plan continue to use Telegram to talk about taboo stuff, you need to
1) only use Telegram through a court-tested VPN
2) pay for that VPN with crypto currency
3) always use Telegram's Secure Chat feature
4A) register your user account with a phone numer that can't be traced back to you
4B) register your account with a +888 anonymous number secured through the blockchain like Fragment: https://fragment.com
We don't want nobody to get locked up of this, okay