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Tampons and Chocolate bars.


Zooville Settler
This post is a little bit geared toward the women here at ZV( feel free to awnser if you know the awnsers). While I sit here with mother nature twisting out my insides. I was wondering if other women have sex with their dogs while on their periods? It has been months since I have engaged in sex with my dogs. I do however do it on my monthlies when I am able. Weirdly I find it is a sure fire way to relieve cramps. I am not sure what the science involved is, it does bring immediate relief though that seems to last several hours. I also notice since I have been months from mating. My periods are regular now. I have really never had a regular period. It comes seemingly when it feels like it. I also wonder if the act disrupts our cycles or if it is a reaction to having dog semen in there? You don't have to awnser if you don't want just felt like commiserating.
That's actually pretty interesting being a guy obviously I wouldn't know but that's something to look in to maybe another female has had the same experience and you can get your answer
That's great you have found something that relieves your pains. I'm still looking for that! I definitely would chalk the regularity up to maturing or a stable living situation (sorry, making assumptions) but when I was in college and moving more my periods were always trying to "sync up" with my new roommates.
At least you have some relief. My periods can be pretty intense due to endomitriosis. Birth control helped get me on a more regular cycle but when the time comes my cramps can be debilitating. I usually stock up on meds and order a lot of comfort food I try to stay away from the rest of the month. With COVID, my school is going to remote learning for at least part of the year so I won't have to go through syncing with a dorm mate like I usually do.
Sorry not meaning to "like" you girls period problems. Unfortunatley there are no emojis that actually emcompas how I actually feel for you. While mine are quite bad I don't think I have endomitriosis( or maybe I do I have never been checked for it) as I am still functional. My main problem right now is I am dealing with a herniated disk in my lower back. That with the regualr back ache I get from my monthlies it is mucho BLEH!!!. I have never had mine sync up with another woman. My cousin when she crashes here from time to time dosn't stay long enough for that to happen to us.
Don't have a answer but have had similar experience. My monthly's are more regular but thought is was just to my body finally sorting it self out.
Its Chocolate, Coke and Hot chips and mayo
Unfortunately being a girl that grows and or catches most of her own food I don't have a lot of junk comfort food. But I do LOVE dark chocolate. I also like to crunch on ice cubes. I also like anything salty....around that time of the month I will sometimes just dump salt into my hand and eat it.
This is what I think. I am not a female and know more about Female dog anatomy than anything else. That being said. I know as a guy that has a female dog as a girlfriend there are things called false pregnancies that will cause cycles to be disrupted in female dogs. I am willing to bet it happens the opposite way as well.
Unfortunately being a girl that grows and or catches most of her own food I don't have a lot of junk comfort food. But I do LOVE dark chocolate. I also like to crunch on ice cubes. I also like anything salty....around that time of the month I will sometimes just dump salt into my hand and eat it.
Wow! You catch your own food? Color me impressed! I know this is going waaay off topic but do you do a lot of jarring/pickling/canning too?
Wow! You catch your own food? Color me impressed! I know this is going waaay off topic but do you do a lot of jarring/pickling/canning too?
Yeah, I get most of my meat via fishing. I am not above taking a deer, squirrel or rabbit if the opertunity presents itsself. My grand mother just called it all canning. But yep, I do it all. I have a cellar that is full of canned tomatos corn cabbage green beans. My own pickles. Sour Kraut. If it grows and can be canned I probably have it.
Studies have proven that sex while on your menstrual cycle does help relieve cramps because not only pressure on your bits, the release of Serotonin from the act helps relieve pain. Kind of like yoga but for your uterus.

Sex can also induce labor in pregnant women.
Unfortunately being a girl that grows and or catches most of her own food I don't have a lot of junk comfort food. But I do LOVE dark chocolate. I also like to crunch on ice cubes. I also like anything salty....around that time of the month I will sometimes just dump salt into my hand and eat it.

One big warning... Don't crunch ice cubes! You will create thousands of microscopic stress lines that years from now will cause your teeth to break... I had to quit putting ice in any drink to stop, even after I have had thousands of dollars of dental work.