Zooville Settler
This post is a little bit geared toward the women here at ZV( feel free to awnser if you know the awnsers). While I sit here with mother nature twisting out my insides. I was wondering if other women have sex with their dogs while on their periods? It has been months since I have engaged in sex with my dogs. I do however do it on my monthlies when I am able. Weirdly I find it is a sure fire way to relieve cramps. I am not sure what the science involved is, it does bring immediate relief though that seems to last several hours. I also notice since I have been months from mating. My periods are regular now. I have really never had a regular period. It comes seemingly when it feels like it. I also wonder if the act disrupts our cycles or if it is a reaction to having dog semen in there? You don't have to awnser if you don't want just felt like commiserating.