I don’t mean to be negative in ANY way.. but maybe that partner isn’t the one for you.
While yes, most people will be absolutely flabbergasted when they find out if you’re zoo… I feel like real love and commitment should still trump that.
I also don’t think therapy is necessary at all.
I am in therapy for other issues and trust me, I tell my therapist everything. She knows every aspect of myself just not the zoo part.
While I’ve hated myself and struggled with this side, I have been able to heal, cope, and understand this side of myself on my own. I got a lot of help from people here and did my own shadow work, meditation, etc.
A therapist is going to most likely make you feel wrong. To try to teach you to let go of this. To try to “fix” this aspect of you.
It is simply who you are. Just like if you’re gay, straight, bi… in my opinion this is the same.
Let people here be your therapy, some people can be real assholes here but you’ll find there are many awesome people who are happy to help, share love, stories and good energy. For example, you can message me anytime!
Back to the point,
You said he doesn’t want you to get “fixed” but to understand yourself more. You can do this all in your own through education, reading, meditation, connecting with others like yourself. I truly do not believe therapy will help. Maybe show him this forum and some of the stories on here. Show him how many others struggle with acceptance and understanding. Show him how awesome and successful the ones who have accepted themselves are.
If he keeps pushing you for therapy I don’t think it’s to help you understand … I think it’s because he does in fact want you to get “fixed”. Just like gay conversion camp doesn’t work.. this won’t work either. You are who you are and you need to accept it, acknowledge it, and move forward with LOVE, understanding, and respect.
A little story:
I told my partner a LITTLE about it in a very cryptic way just to see what he would say. He knows my wide variety of animal like sex toys, he’s even tried them himself because I asked.
He did not like some of them and told me it politely after. While some he enjoyed and was like “I’m surprised I liked this” (one was a horse fleshlight hahaha)
But I told him I wouldn’t be opposed to being with animals if it wasn’t hated by society and I would give it a try. I also said I could see myself living in the woods with bears or a pack of wolves hahaha
And he was like WHAT YOU ARE SO ODD. And I was like come on… you’re not curious at all? What about wondering what it would feel like etc
And he said well I would maybe fuck an orca or something to know what that was like
And I was like see!
But I never flat out said
I am into this
I am into animals
I want a romantic relationship with an animal
It’s not a fetish it’s part of who I am and I truly feel romantic emotions like I do with you etc blah blah
Maybe one day. I will tell him when I feel as if we are both in better areas of our life.
He already told me he will love me no matter what. He’s even went eerily far with it like “if you killed my so and so, I would still find a way to love you” and I was like CHILL OUT MAN. But he was trying to just explain how deep his love really goes for me.
I’ve honestly never met anyone like him and we built a wonderful foundation of love and trust. We have worked hard on communication and we do our best to better ourselves every day.
But my POINT IS.
Your partner doesn’t have to do what you do
They don’t have to be into it
They can try it only if they want
But if the love between you both is GENUINE, REAL, etc
Then it should be something you both can have a healthy conversation about and work through