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Suggestion: Restrict the types of comments allowed in content threads

Most of the threads in the content (porn) areas are filled with pages of lazy/spam comments such as Thanks!, So Hot!, Awesome!,Wow! etc. Isn't that the whole point of reactions? To show your appreciation or hype for a post. I get that people want to show their gratitude or whatever, but it just clogs things up and makes it harder to find other content or actual relevant discussions people may have posted in a particular thread.

It's pretty standard in similar forums to not allow these types of posts in content threads. It may be too much work for the mods here, but I think it would help make this a better forum if so some sort of rule could be implemented.

Most of the threads in the content (porn) areas are filled with pages of lazy/spam comments such as Thanks!, So Hot!, Awesome!,Wow! etc. Isn't that the whole point of reactions? To show your appreciation or hype for a post. I get that people want to show their gratitude or whatever, but it just clogs things up and makes it harder to find other content or actual relevant discussions people may have posted in a particular thread.

It's pretty standard in similar forums to not allow these types of posts in content threads. It may be too much work for the mods here, but I think it would help make this a better forum if so some sort of rule could be implemented.

I suggest instead a filter where it only filters for videos/photos, if that’s what your after; rather than sifting through comments for content.
I agree with the premise, its the entire reason reactions to posts exist after all. I would go a step further too and say a lot of threads do just need to be merged or purged as well. How many open forum boards are just the same 2-3 minute clip(s) of something with 40 rabid comments telling everyone how they got off to it in as few words as possible? Or how many more times must the toys section be filled with "what do I buy/where do I find X" getting the same answers because the OP cant be bothered to read the pinned post about reputable places? God forbid how almost every board in the DF devolves and derails to the same tired argument circle jerk from seemingly the same not even 10-15 people somehow no matter the purpose of the original post (Looking at you Dark Humor and Pineapple Belongs on Pizza! The hell do these things have to do with angry ranting about rainbow alphabet soup or Theology?!). Honestly a real problem that's eating an extreme amount of space but not one that can be easily fixed by moderators alone. They are already doing the best they can with the limited resources available. Almost makes me want to suggest getting a bot to scan posts, but that has its own issues depending on who's running it/where it came from.
I watch the video and hardly ever read the comments because TL;DR...lol

If there are many comments, it makes me think it's worth checking out, although I hardly ever like or comment anymore because I don't want to get banned over something later determined to be unacceptable on here...
I agree with the premise, its the entire reason reactions to posts exist after all. I would go a step further too and say a lot of threads do just need to be merged or purged as well. How many open forum boards are just the same 2-3 minute clip(s) of something with 40 rabid comments telling everyone how they got off to it in as few words as possible? Or how many more times must the toys section be filled with "what do I buy/where do I find X" getting the same answers because the OP cant be bothered to read the pinned post about reputable places? God forbid how almost every board in the DF devolves and derails to the same tired argument circle jerk from seemingly the same not even 10-15 people somehow no matter the purpose of the original post (Looking at you Dark Humor and Pineapple Belongs on Pizza! The hell do these things have to do with angry ranting about rainbow alphabet soup or Theology?!). Honestly a real problem that's eating an extreme amount of space but not one that can be easily fixed by moderators alone. They are already doing the best they can with the limited resources available. Almost makes me want to suggest getting a bot to scan posts, but that has its own issues depending on who's running it/where it came from.
For finding the same content, the MD5 for uploaded files could be scanned on upload and logged, so then if someone else posts the same file, it can tell it's already uploaded.

A strange point to be made by someone who has only posted three things (prior to this) in two years
For finding the same content, the MD5 for uploaded files could be scanned on upload and logged, so then if someone else posts the same file, it can tell it's already uploaded.

This has its own problem though when people are scrubbing metadata on download for certain content. It just leads to the same problem in the end. One video can have 50+ sources that bots will struggle to pick up on from compression damage and that
I actually enjoy reading the comments in my threads, although some of them can be down right creepy. Even a simple "thank you" makes me happy, or all the condolences when I lost my pony mare, so no I'm not for locking or limiting comments in the porn section but I do encourage anyone to report spam or inappropriate posts.
As I said, nobody would going to post anymore if that would happen. Where's the point of sharing, if there is no feedback?
Where's the point even with feedback?

"Oh my god, look at this 20 year old video, isn't it hot!?"

Where's the point even with feedback?

"Oh my god, look at this 20 year old video, isn't it hot!?"

Why shall everyone even share anything? 1st altruism (yeah right, lol), 2nd money, 3rd positive reinforcement.
Our social structure is dependable on it. Every thumbs up, every "cool vid", gives a dopamine kick.
That's the whole reason why social media even exists. Without feedback there is no posting. That's how it is.
I wouldn't post any of my drawings anywhere, if there wouldn't be a reply system.
Why shall everyone even share anything? 1st altruism (yeah right, lol), 2nd money, 3rd positive reinforcement.
Our social structure is dependable on it. Every thumbs up, every "cool vid", gives a dopamine kick.
That's the whole reason why social media even exists. Without feedback there is no posting. That's how it is.
I wouldn't post any of my drawings anywhere, if there wouldn't be a reply system.
Social media does so much more harm than good. It's fucking horrible and I avoid it at all costs.

It's just a big data farm.
Why shall everyone even share anything? 1st altruism (yeah right, lol), 2nd money, 3rd positive reinforcement.
Our social structure is dependable on it. Every thumbs up, every "cool vid", gives a dopamine kick.
That's the whole reason why social media even exists. Without feedback there is no posting. That's how it is.
I wouldn't post any of my drawings anywhere, if there wouldn't be a reply system.
Well then they can have their ego stroking likes and loves all they want, but people need to shut the fuck up with their "so hot" "me want" spam.
A strange point to be made by someone who has only posted three things (prior to this) in two years
This sort of feeds into my point. If I made hundreds or thousands of posts over these two years that were all pointless "Thanks", "Nice" and "So Hot" I would have a better title and "status" on here. Even though, in reality I would have never actually contributed anything to this place other than possibly giving someone a millisecond of pleasure(when there is already a system in place for that purpose).
This sort of feeds into my point. If I made hundreds or thousands of posts over these two years that were all pointless "Thanks", "Nice" and "So Hot" I would have a better title and "status" on here. Even though, in reality I would have never actually contributed anything to this place other than possibly giving someone a millisecond of pleasure(when there is already a system in place for that purpose).
It's the Internet lol

No-one really gives a fuck about title or status on here, or at least they shouldn't. It is the Internet.

Just scroll past, and see a Dr if you develop RSI 👍

I do get what your point is to an extent, but it's not really that big a problem is it? Just scroll. Surely
Most of the threads in the content (porn) areas are filled with pages of lazy/spam comments such as Thanks!, So Hot!, Awesome!,Wow! etc. Isn't that the whole point of reactions? To show your appreciation or hype for a post. I get that people want to show their gratitude or whatever, but it just clogs things up and makes it harder to find other content or actual relevant discussions people may have posted in a particular thread.

It's pretty standard in similar forums to not allow these types of posts in content threads. It may be too much work for the mods here, but I think it would help make this a better forum if so some sort of rule could be implemented.

sorry, disagree....this is not a research site nor a purely education site, it is conversation and socializing and believe you me it has worth as such, being zoo can be pretty lonely, so please allow simple chat
sorry, disagree....this is not a research site nor a purely education site, it is conversation and socializing and believe you me it has worth as such, being zoo can be pretty lonely, so please allow simple chat
I think you may have misinterpreted what I was saying. My whole point was threads are clogged up with pointless one word posts that do not add anything to the conversation, and distract from real discussions that people may be having in that thread. Obviously conversation and socializing are the backbone of this forum and I would never suggest to take that away. I just thought discouraging lazy comments would help clean things up and possible facilitate even more discussion or content being shared.
How do you suggest that be implemented?
Based on other forums I've been apart of, lazy comments are considered spam and are against forum rules. I don't know exactly how this forum operates, but usually there is a warning system and when you accumulate too many you get banned. Like I said in the original post though, I don't know how feasible that would be in this forum, it was just a suggestion. Even just putting something in the rules about it could potentially discourage people.
I suggest we demand the mods spend every single second of every day making sure only the most intellectual, relevant, and in-depth critiques are posted in response to bestiality porn.

It's just not acceptable to allow anyone to share their thoughts about watching humans have sex with animals unless they do so while wearing berets and smoking clove cigarettes. After all, only the uppermost strata of society are allowed here in the first place.

Good day.

I suggest we demand the mods spend every single second of every day making sure only the most intellectual, relevant, and in-depth critiques are posted in response to bestiality porn.

It's just not acceptable to allow anyone to share their thoughts about watching humans have sex with animals unless they do so while wearing berets and smoking clove cigarettes. After all, only the uppermost strata of society are allowed here in the first place.

Good day.

I've always been more of a pipe man, myself.
