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Some Animals You Just Don't "get" The Attraction

I'm only sexually attracted to dogs and related animals (wolves, coyotes, all canines, and foxes too). I appreciate big felines too, but not in a sexual way.

Also lots of people like horses, but I don't really see the attraction. Though I enjoy MLP porn (clop) :husky_laughing:
So all animals are lovable in their own way ^_^ especially the babies, but there's just some animals I don't "get" how some people are sexually attracted to them.

My list:

1. Pigs
For me, sometimes depends on whether the animals you listed are male or female. Pigs, huh uh. No go. Not attracted to pigs at all romantically or sexually. Not camels or llamas, no. Horses, donkeys, dogs... either sex, I totally get the attraction.

But cattle? I ask reconsideration of cattle. If it's male, no. But cows, OMG! Particularly fond of Jerseys. Go to a county fair and see the freshly washed and groomed cows. Those big eyes and lashes. The big moist nose. Just so beautiful you want to kiss them! ... And then their vulva, the beautiful tribute to vulva. Artfully crafted. So sensual (not posting those images here).

But yeah, at the dairy, when they come in to be milked covered in mud and shit... um, nah. Pass. You got to catch them at the fair when they've been prettied up to understand the attraction. You can't HELP but fall in love with a nice Jersey cow!

*My* I-don't-get-it list would include in addition to some of yours tapirs, octopi, crocodilians, fish, big cats (tigers and such) and rats and other rodents... 'bout all I can think of off the top of my head.


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I'm only sexually attracted to dogs and related animals (wolves, coyotes, all canines, and foxes too). I appreciate big felines too, but not in a sexual way.

Also lots of people like horses, but I don't really see the attraction. Though I enjoy MLP porn (clop) :husky_laughing:

I think most people like horses because of the size and shape. I guess there might be something about the face that makes people like them.
I think most people like horses because of the size and shape. I guess there might be something about the face that makes people like them.
Humans have tamed horses for around 5 millennia so it might be primal at this point.

That being said I don't really have an attraction to felines, I love cats and even have one but nothing sexual.
I'm also not into ostriches, sheep, camels or llamas.
Anything cat-sized or smaller, most rodents, pigs, camelids. Anything that is not a mammal.

The only thing I kind of like from pigs is huge boar balls. However they are not pendulous so its less fun than balls of bull or ram or billy goat.

With felines, it may be cute to play with the balls, but overall the equipment is way too small, even for big cats.
I'm only attracted to m dogs and horses. Any other animals, it's just odd. Especially pigs. But that's just me.
With this sort of life style the heart wants what the heart wants. I just never clicked with other animals though I have had opportunity with barn yard animals if I was so inclined but it seemed like a chore and then there is also the smell of barn yard animals I find off putting. My heart lies solely with K9 :)
I actually am quite fond of pigs, sorry guys... They're just so damn adorable when they're not grossly overweight. Even the pudgy ones can be cute at times, though...

My "nope" list is way too long to be listed, sorry for that as well.
Since many zoos name them, I would say dolphins. I've never found them attractive and they probably smell 'fishy' xD
But I love pigs, so I guess everyone has their own tastes :pig_wink:
I should also add that any animal which is too small for having sex with a human is usually a turn off for me...
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Tsk, tsk, tsk. So little love for the piggies? A sow may not be the prettiest girl at the ball, but what she lacks in looks she makes up for in personality. I've known plenty of swine (and I mean known!) and they're on my short list for amazing intelligence and attitude.
humans and any sort of primates. theyre built too much like humans. I just dont see how some are attracted to them.

dolphins/cetaceans, because while they are interesting from a standpoint of personalities and intelligence, they pretty much have to smell like fish, and I cant stand the smell of fish.

pigs and cows for various reasons, not the least of which is I'm very much a carnivore.

Housecats and toy breed dogs. This one has a lot to do with veterinary experience and how troublesome those types are. Pretty much any breed smaller than a cocker spaniel is a nightmare for any vet.
I find Big Cats very sexually arousing though.

Narrow hipped dogs, and tall, slender breeds that look like they are starved despite being in perfect health. also any non-mammal.
Gerbils. I just do not understand the whole gerbil thing. Have you ever seen a rodent's lower jaw? No, thank you.
Nope on reptiles.
Nope on birds. (minus emus and outrages)
Nope on elephants.

Pretty much anything else is fair game.
We are all different I guess.
I am a nope to Llamas, cows elephants and birds etc
Female pigs are awesome but not as awesome as mares. sheep are okay but not my first preference.
while I like dogs male or female, I have no sexual attraction to males of any other species.
What ever floats ya boat, Cheers all
Thing is if ppl are into different species they tend to get judged which is very wrong imho there's more than equine and k9
The only animals I see that should get some sort of response like that are probably reptiles and birds. Other then that go nuts, within reason .