Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Good day to all you awesome folks! This yote needs to go to the zooville confessional! I have many flaws for sure and one of the worst would seems is being head strong, and very reactive! I have problem here that many have been kind enough to point out on several occasions when I have gone all angry bull when someone has waved the red flag as it were. I tend to grab the baited hook and run with it to extremes to the point of almost getting banned or single handedly getting the whole topic dumped in the dumpster fire.
I guess what I am saying is I become thae tornado that most times unnecessarilry rips through your neighborhood destroying everything in its path.
From now on I would like mods or anyone else to stop me before I get out of hand when I react to somthing and just give me a word or three about my actions and give me a warning to stop and think be it in a private or publice fadshion. I can only become a better yote if folks help me to do so. Sometimes and old yote needs to be disciplined and taught new and better ways of behaving so they are more civil, polite, more easily loved individual.
I humbley beg forgiveness for my trespasses.
I guess what I am saying is I become thae tornado that most times unnecessarilry rips through your neighborhood destroying everything in its path.
From now on I would like mods or anyone else to stop me before I get out of hand when I react to somthing and just give me a word or three about my actions and give me a warning to stop and think be it in a private or publice fadshion. I can only become a better yote if folks help me to do so. Sometimes and old yote needs to be disciplined and taught new and better ways of behaving so they are more civil, polite, more easily loved individual.
I humbley beg forgiveness for my trespasses.