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Esteemed Citizen of ZV
tobacco or other smoking
is there any reason for people to forbid you from it?
i say nay
if i want to do something unhealthy like smoking or eating lots of read meat or drinking soda pop, that's my choice
Well, it would be your choice to smoke alone or with other smokers; but the effects of tobacco smoke on other people's lungs are pretty significant, and that's not fair if they don't consent to it.

Feel free to smoke in a private environment, no sweat. In public, being considerate of others ain't too much to ask.
tobacco or other smoking
is there any reason for people to forbid you from it?
i say nay
if i want to do something unhealthy like smoking or eating lots of read meat or drinking soda pop, that's my choice
I smoked cigarettes for 17 years, and though I have since quit, I do feel that adults should be able to choose for themselves whether or not they decide to poison their own body with smoking. Provided that they aren't hurting others in the process, that is.

I also feel the same about smoking cannabis, which I do continue to use on a daily basis. It's important to remember to try to be responsible, regardless of what you're smoking or putting into your body.
it’s just real nasty to be walking down the street and get a puff of smoke blown in your face by some asshole that smokes tobacco. i actually don’t even care if they vape because the cloud of vapour disappears so quickly.
it’s just real nasty to be walking down the street and get a puff of smoke blown in your face by some asshole that smokes tobacco. i actually don’t even care if they vape because the cloud of vapour disappears so quickly.
That is reason for smokers to be aware of wind direction. I am always aware of other people and I try not to make them unhappy.

But then there are people who do things that annoy others but those things are not castigated.

I don't like to see fat chicks in bikinis. I dislike dogs, and don't want to see them in public. When everything that displeases me is banned... would I feel ok with a ban on outdoor smoking? . . . nah, I still wonuldn't quit. In fact, I would argue for the right of fat chicks to wear bikinis in public.

Irresponsible dog owners leave shit all over. That is addressed in lots of places by signs, and yet there is shit. Banning dogs from outdoors areas is much more reasonable than banning smoking or other minor annoyances.
Ah, yes, I had an uncle who died from... *checks notes* saw-fat-person cancer.
I, for one, got dog shit in my mouth because somebody left it on the sidewalk. It just flew up there and down my throat, into my stomach. I think that poster is onto something.
I, for one, got dog shit in my mouth because somebody left it on the sidewalk. It just flew up there and down my throat, into my stomach. I think that poster is onto something.
I know, right? Someone lights up ten meters away and all that smoke came only to me. And rebreathed it several times. Hapens several times a day, right?

oh, wait, no, you just got the smell and something nasty on your shoe
i get the smell and something nasty on my bare foot
I know, right? Someone lights up ten meters away and all that smoke came only to me. And rebreathed it several times. Hapens several times a day, right?

oh, wait, no, you just got the smell and something nasty on your shoe
i get the smell and something nasty on my bare foot
bro lives in the middle of nowhere acting like i don’t step outside my apartment building on any given day and see multiple smokers out there. i could also be casually strolling on the sidewalk when someone upwind of me lights up a cigarette. and this dude’s walking around where there’s dog shit with bare feet??? brother euuuugh what is that?!
On top of smoking around animals you force to breathe the trash in if they live with you.
The other problem is health insurance, which is not the same here as in the USA. Here we pay for each other's treatment, so anyone who smokes uses my money when they need to be cured of lung cancer.

It doesn't bother me, let everyone live as they want, just don't come near me and don't interfere in mine.
I smoke. I am conscientious of others, but, I do smoke. Its a dirty, smelly, unhealthy habit, but, whatever. Society flipped upsidedown on me and I'm holding the bag. When I was a kid, non-smokers were the anomaly, now smokers are on the outside looking in. Thats life. Roll with it.

As far as how people view that.....also whatever. I get it. But, bottom line, if smoking means you cant be my friend, so be it. I'll make it through somehow without you.
it’s just real nasty to be walking down the street and get a puff of smoke blown in your face by some asshole that smokes tobacco. i actually don’t even care if they vape because the cloud of vapour disappears so quickly.
Not always. Some of those vape douchebags are even worse than the regular cigarette smokers. I don't want to breathe in a giant cloud of pineapple nicotine bullshit.
The other problem is health insurance, which is not the same here as in the USA. Here we pay for each other's treatment, so anyone who smokes uses my money when they need to be cured of lung cancer.

It doesn't bother me, let everyone live as they want, just don't come near me and don't interfere in mine.
opposite again
People who die earlier use less public resources. Some smokers save you decades of paying for their upkeep after retirement.

What type of cancer will you die of? And will there be any indication of what caused it? How long will you linger? If you live to be 100, will you have produced more or used more than if you had died on the day of your retirement?

Basically, a small tax is reasonable - to help poor people quit and to advertise about the bad stuff.
opposite again
People who die earlier use less public resources. Some smokers save you decades of paying for their upkeep after retirement.

What type of cancer will you die of? And will there be any indication of what caused it? How long will you linger? If you live to be 100, will you have produced more or used more than if you had died on the day of your retirement?

Basically, a small tax is reasonable - to help poor people quit and to advertise about the bad stuff.
Its is true that smokers die earlier, on average 10 years. BUT before that at least 15 years of poor health and in those years needing medical help. And I have seen many smokers that takes smoking pauses during the working day, so they in fact work fewer hours.
They usually say that smoking makes them faster, but the truth is that when inhaling the nicotin their speed just raises to non-smokers level.
Its is true that smokers die earlier, on average 10 years. BUT before that at least 15 years of poor health and in those years needing medical help. And I have seen many smokers that takes smoking pauses during the working day, so they in fact work fewer hours.
They usually say that smoking makes them faster, but the truth is that when inhaling the nicotin their speed just raises to non-smokers level.
Assume that is true.
Now what is the comparison?
How many years of poor health for non-smokers?
Assume that is true.
Now what is the comparison?
How many years of poor health for non-smokers?
Good question. I don’t have the numbers.
But adding years - at least 25 healthy years lost.
So if people on average dies at 75 years, then on average smokers begin having health problems caused by smoking before their 50. birthday.
And here I should add the numbers for non-smokers. I am sure they are much better.
I don’t have the statistics, so a bit weak answer.