Figured I'd make this thread for newbies to learn the proper way to masturbate a dog. The areas below that have arrows are the spots you want to pay attention to. If your dog is showing visible interest (mounting, humping) Start off with unsheathing, then jerk behind where their knot will form, a dog in the mood will start to hump frantically at this point and become erect QUICK. The second picture is important. Dogs DO NOT enjoy repetitive stroking or squeezing of the shaft with hands, like they're human. They arent. They have far more sensitive genitals than we do. Please don't do either (I've watched alot of people in videos make that mistake over the years) Their is no reason to stroke the shaft besides occasionally spreading lube or precum across their length to keep the mucus membrane that covers their penis wet (Another important point if left erect and exposed to air) The area behind the knot and the tip is the best places to stimulate while they're erect. Firm grip on the knot and light touch on the very end of the tip. Trust me. Your dog will appreciate you doing so