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Shame - For people who are ashamed of their beastiality fetish


This is for people that are feeling ashamed of bestiality, and OTHER things as well..

I would like to share ALL of my Sexual shame with so that I can release it....is there anyone else on here that would be willing to share their shame.
I figure if people are going to be open about beastiality on here, then this would probably be the best place to talk to people that may have done other things they wish to confess to.
I was ashamed of my attraction for a long time (over a decade) until I decided it’s nobody’s business what porn I masturbate to and if I think it’s hot then I don’t care what other people think about it.
Perhaps someday I’ll be able to engage in my fantasy to find out what the reality is like but I’m not counting on it.
I was ashamed of my attraction for a long time (over a decade) until I decided it’s nobody’s business what porn I masturbate to and if I think it’s hot then I don’t care what other people think about it.
Perhaps someday I’ll be able to engage in my fantasy to find out what the reality is like but I’m not counting on it.
you never know....
Shame was placed every. Damn. Time I engaged with my first partner. Right after I felt an overwhelming sense that I was wrong, it's bad and evil and now I'm gay blah blah blah. I grew out of it knowing this is me and damn the world for thinking anything negative
I'm not ashamed. But this website is for beastiality. I want to continue using this website, I will follow the rules, but I disagree with some rules. We can't even talk about peanut butter ( food), people already getting caught from news clips, fence hopping, house sitting/ dog watching. What ever. it is what it is. Girls= a dog can't talk back or cheat on you or get you pregnant. If you want to try it with a animal then try it. But don't force it, they have teeth, if they bite, they bite. you will learn your lesson. And also the people who are gay/lesbian/ can't have children. If we all turn to the same sex then the future will stop and we can't have more/ new people finding out about this fetish. I was watching 8 mile last night from the words of cheddar bob= fuck the free world.
I never used to be ashamed of liking girls with dogs, but I have gradually come to be slightly ashamed after a girlfriend took it badly and after the scene change from being one with a lot of emphasis on fun and pride and the whole vibe turned darker after the laws changed. I hate the associations there are now between this and various "taboos" which I at best find uninteresting and at worst truly shocking and abhorrent.

This is one thing that has gotten a lot more negative since the internet ceased to be anonymous. In the old days the sickos and the prudes kept themselves to themselves and left us, there merely adventurous, to our own happy little world... Or that's how I remember it.
I'm ashamed of my zoo/beastiality side once in a while I feel sick thinking about it while other days I wanna embrace it. It's a bit weird
if you have Shame with ANYTHING, I can help, it's actually very easy, you just need to share your shameful things with someone you trust, and you can heal yourself from your shame.