I know of others who've had relationships with beagles, so at least some of them are compatible.
I am assuming she not spayed and is a full-grown adult, otherwise you've got complications.
Be diligent about personal hygiene, wash up yourself and her, keep a washcloth at hand to wipe your hands if you've been petting/stroking her and want to slip a finger in, etc. Infections are unpleasant and often avoidable, make good habits to keep you both happy and healthy.
I would start with gentle touching, petting, etc and gauge her reaction. Some bitches aren't keen on it out of season, at least at first, so you might want to wait until she's in standing heat. If she's receptive I'd recommend oral, I'm a fan and the girls usually are as well. If all that goes well, see about gently sliding a finger in, go slow and pay attention to her comfort, it she's uncomfortable stop. Work her clit and most times she'll start bucking if she's enjoying it. At that point you should be able to gauge if shell acommodate you or not, there's a chance she's not big enough or she's just not into it. If not, don't push it.
You may find she's amenable to some things but not others, she may change her mind later, but it's very important that you not push things or make her uncomfortable; you want her to have a good time and to enjoy everything. If your goals don't include how she feels, you might want to reflect on that before you try anything.
Good luck, stay safe, and I wish you both happiness.