Hoping for the humping.. trying to get him interested and thought this way might help but didn't know how long scents last..
I know it depends on dog type, and my cleanliness, just wasn't sure how long.. plan is maybe a day between the two dogs
Oh okay, that makes more sense!
TL;DR: Scent won't do much to help you get a dog interested, a naked handjob will be 5000% more likely to get the dog to mount you.
The long, possibly convoluted version:
The biggest hurdle when playing with dogs is getting them to see you as a sexual being rather than a "superior" of sorts. Some of this can be done with scent, but as humans, there are varied nuances with scent that we literally can't comprehend that dogs can. Anything you've ever seen that says that animals can "sense fear" is more or less accurate, and relevant in this case because dogs can absolutely sense apprehension. However, if your goal is to convince these dogs to see you as a sexual partner, the smell of sex on you will help to some extent. It will make them curious at the very least, and after that it will be easier to convince the dog that you're a willing partner.
This is very easy to do if you have some time and privacy. It also varies based on the individual. I've had a Siberian Husky who was ready to jump on after only some sweet words and a little sheath jerking, but I've also had a Great Dane that took me MONTHS to convince to mount me. It may be to simply get on all fours and send them some signals via body language, but they may also be completely uninterested.
A few things I've seen to avoid:
1) NEVER use food to convince them to lick, food and sex are two different priorities for a dog and it will not get you the desired result.
2) If the dog doesn't show interest, don't force the issue! Teeth hurt. Be patient.
3) For most dogs, sex is something that will never happen. They will get very excited to do it even once in their life. Understanding that will make the experience better for everyone involved.