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Scariest almost caught story?

I remember being in my room with my dog when I decided to start are usual face fuck fest. Just got him teased up and ready to start thrusting when in walked my cousin to let me know the food was ready (party at home and I completely forgot to lock the door). I was already layed down ready to take it so in a flash I went, "Relax boy, I'm not your fuck bitch Star (neighbors dog), not quit humping and let me get that tick off you". Cousin replied, "Dam with your single life you might as well become his fuck bitch, get up the foods ready lol". He didn't even realize what I was doing due to a mix or pure quick thinking on my part and the angle we were in had my dog completely covering what I was gonna do.
I was married for 15 years and resist the urges for the first few but after a few years the marriage started going bad and my craving and attraction for animals was coming back. She was taking the kids to her moms house for a few hours and I elected to stay behind mostly cause I hated her mom lol. anyways I waited for like 45 min after they left and I started playing with my boy. Hes 14 now but he was 2 at the time. Started rubbing his sheath and his red rocket poked out. wasnt even thinking and i started to suck on him. it was so good. I pulled my pants down and offered my ass and it only took a few tries for him to hit home. was my first time being knotted in years and forgot how much that knot hurts but also felt good. there we were. tied ass to ass and I hear her car pull in the driveway. Apparently they cut the meeting way way short. that was the most painful knot removal ever and when she came in I was sitting on the toilet there was blood and I said i had polyps lol it was a close call
It was almost same thread in ZV about funny/embarassing incidents. Now we have a NEW topic, this time about scariest incidents...
I think my best almost close moment was when I was in the backyard of my parents place and letting my dog rim me as usual, I had to rush so fast to slip my pants back on because I had gotten too into and they opened the door lol. Somehow didn’t get caught and still havent
Was in the back of a horse trailer on the way home with a mare pony, (parents rehabbed abuse cases), was back there to keep her calm while we stopped to get feed at the store. She rubbed up against me and stood with her legs apart while I got my pants down and slipped it in her. Was a few thrusts in when dad taps on the outside of the trailer to get ready go. Scared the hell out of me lol had to say I was taking a piss to have time to get my pants up
Sounds amazing! Did you manage to pump your cum up inside her before you were interrupted? ??
Sounds amazing! Did you manage to pump your cum up inside her before you were interrupted? ??
Not that time, but did many times after! We kept her for about six months till she was in good shape, then sent her to a friend's petting zoo.

She got to the point that I'd go to feed her and she'd just spread her legs and lift her tail.
Well my scariest moment was everything was quiet thought I was home alone so toddle off upstairs when my fur ball is waiting abit of playing and so on and eventually tie at the side of my bed when all I hear is the dreddes Mum next to my bedroom door life flashed before my eyes luckily she didn't come in and I told her I was just out the bath so yeah very scary moment for me look back and laugh about it now
Was in the back of a horse trailer on the way home with a mare pony, (parents rehabbed abuse cases), was back there to keep her calm while we stopped to get feed at the store. She rubbed up against me and stood with her legs apart while I got my pants down and slipped it in her. Was a few thrusts in when dad taps on the outside of the trailer to get ready go. Scared the hell out of me lol had to say I was taking a piss to have time to get my pants up
You walked on the very edge
Back then I still lived with my family. I was playing with our lab, luckily in the bathroom that time. I was supposed to have hours alone but my brother had left school early. Me and the dog were tied and I was having the best time...and then my brother came home, I was so terrified to get caught with the dog cock tied inside me. It was the longest minutes of my life waiting for the dog to finally pull out of me, clean the cum and wait for the dog's penis to retract. Here we luckily have locks on the bathroom doors and the door was locked. I'm not sure if my brother realized I was in the bathroom for so long with the dog, he didn't say anything...
I remember being in my room with my dog when I decided to start are usual face fuck fest. Just got him teased up and ready to start thrusting when in walked my cousin to let me know the food was ready (party at home and I completely forgot to lock the door). I was already layed down ready to take it so in a flash I went, "Relax boy, I'm not your fuck bitch Star (neighbors dog), not quit humping and let me get that tick off you". Cousin replied, "Dam with your single life you might as well become his fuck bitch, get up the foods ready lol". He didn't even realize what I was doing due to a mix or pure quick thinking on my part and the angle we were in had my dog completely covering what I was gonna do.
Wow, that is quite an experience!
I remember being in my room with my dog when I decided to start are usual face fuck fest. Just got him teased up and ready to start thrusting when in walked my cousin to let me know the food was ready (party at home and I completely forgot to lock the door). I was already layed down ready to take it so in a flash I went, "Relax boy, I'm not your fuck bitch Star (neighbors dog), not quit humping and let me get that tick off you". Cousin replied, "Dam with your single life you might as well become his fuck bitch, get up the foods ready lol". He didn't even realize what I was doing due to a mix or pure quick thinking on my part and the angle we were in had my dog completely covering what I was gonna do.

Great story and even greater reaction to what could've been a very difficult situation. Hope you were able to reward him when you and him were alone again.
I was pants down balls deep in one of my mares when the other ranch hand came back from a lesson. I'd say quickest I'd ever pulled out and got my pants on ever. He gave me a confused look almost like he knew what was going on and my only excuse to why my shirt was off was that it was hot outside :p
lmao my man definitely knew. Like when you're caught watching porn at the computer and my man pulls up an empty google search page to hide the porn as if he hadn't been cranking it seconds ago. :LOL:
My kid was playing in his trampoline across the paddock, he always does this for hours (usually!). My Lab like to hump me, but never knotted. So while i had time inside the house, and he was interested, I let him mount me. And for the first time he was in so deep and could feel him knotting which was really nice, and could feel him humping harder and enjoying it. But then i heard 'Daaaad', and i thought i heard the back steps, and here i am on all fours, nude and knotted! And no excuses like 'Come on boy stop trying to jump on me'. I've never panicked so much and tried to get him to dismount so fast, and he pulled out with a full knot, and oh my god, nearly passed out from the pain! Didn't get caught though!
My kid was playing in his trampoline across the paddock, he always does this for hours (usually!). My Lab like to hump me, but never knotted. So while i had time inside the house, and he was interested, I let him mount me. And for the first time he was in so deep and could feel him knotting which was really nice, and could feel him humping harder and enjoying it. But then i heard 'Daaaad', and i thought i heard the back steps, and here i am on all fours, nude and knotted! And no excuses like 'Come on boy stop trying to jump on me'. I've never panicked so much and tried to get him to dismount so fast, and he pulled out with a full knot, and oh my god, nearly passed out from the pain! Didn't get caught though!
Damn, that would of hurt
Ran over? Wow. This was quite traumatic, first the panic, then the pain, then the adrenaline fuelled half conscious dash to the bathroom, then the blood and the woozy then the what ifs doctor? Hospital? Ambulance? Explaining to family ?

On the bright side, he slides in easier now!!
Haha yeah, i got sandwiched between 2 cars and the car behind then went over me pushing the footpeg of my motorbike through my leg
We had some family coming from out of town to stay with my dad and myself and it's summer no school he is at work so I am getting licked really good and getting my first taste of our Bearded Collie's cock and I hear the front door open and two women's voices I jump in the bathroom attached to my bedroom and turn on the water really quick and pull off my bra and jump in the shower after 5-6 minutes I get out wrap a towel around me and go to the living room to see two women I have no idea who they are, turns out my dad hired Molly maids to come clean the house for our family that was coming in and failed to tell me about it. After that I always made sure that the front door was locked before I ever played again.
Close calls a few times, but I've always been careful. Well, usually ?. My horniness got the better of me a few times but usually it was totally random that I came close to getting caught. I had a good thing going with a chestnut mare during college while living on my parents' farm so when I was home alone, day or night, I would just walk out into the field with a bucket to visit my fuck-buddy. The farm is a 30 acre field centered on the farm house with a dirt road running along one side and the highway running along an adjacent side, making an "L" shape. There were a few spots that were well shielded from the road but I think I think my girl was a little bit of a voyeur because she preferred to do it way out in the open. Engine noise echoed down the highway and lots of road noise from the dirt road so I usually had plenty of time to hop down and start brushing her if someone was coming. I was always fully clothed and just pulled my dick through the fly. But we were getting at it one day about 45 feet from the dirt road when I saw somebody rather than heard them. A motorcycle rolling down the dirt road so slowly that he barely made any noise. I pulled out, jumped down, and tucked my erection into my waistband in one smooth motion and started brushing her butt I swear the motorcycle slowed down even more. I lived the next few weeks constantly paranoid that he would somehow get a hold of my parents.

Other notable time was in a barn on the same property, beautiful tawny mule jenny. We were in a stall in the barn and had never messed around before but I had been teasing her and feeling her out for about ten minutes. I had just pulled my dick out and had it positioned to penetrate her when I heard a truck pull up to the side of the barn that faces the road. Which was unfortunate because that was only about 30 feet from where I was. By the grace of God this stall (and ONLY this stall) had no ceiling, it was open to the rafters above. I jumped up and, as quietly as I could, grabbed the rafters and pulled myself up into the ceiling, then shimmied ten feet until I ended up in the hay loft. Then I laid there, literally holding my breath, dick back in my pants but pants still unzipped because I was afraid of the noise, while I could literally see the farm hand come into the stall to check on the jenny and feed her. I can't even remember if I got off after that, I think I was too paranoid to try anything for the rest of the day ?.
I use to have a really beautiful black lab, use to have lots of fun humping her, really grinding my dick into her pussy (no penetration as she was fixed years before I tried anything). One day I had the house to myself for the weekend, and I did it multiple times with her, and she loved it. Always woke me up by hopping into bed with me. On the Sunday morning (everyone was back home that night) I’m really grinding into her, and decided to lube myself really well and try anal with her, it went in super easy. Best feeling ever, suddenly there is a knock on the front door( now my room faced outside to the road, and the front door was literally a foot from my window) and it turns out the next door neighbour wanted my help moving a few things for him. It was only because I had my light off and my room was darker then normal that I wasn’t caught.

Many days after that experience I tried anal with her again and did it multiple times till she died.
Once I was not almost cought, because I don't put myself in situations where I risk getting caught.
The end.