I assume most people are in a situation where they cannot care for one in their current living situation, but becoming an owner for themselves is certainly a end goal for a majority. I get it people want to enjoy their first experience now rather than later but you can tell most people are going at it the wrong way, or are just in it for the sex. I never understood why most guys on here just want to meet owners. I get it this isn't a lifestyle for everyone. To others its just a kink. I try to make the good point that there are plenty of good people who are not owners. Build a friendship with them, because guess what? I'm pretty sure they will eventually become an owner themselves. If you already have that friendship and bond when they get their own dog or horse or whatever, you'll be first in line for any future fun. Looking for owners is temporary, looking for good friends is long lasting.
All my experiences have been because of friends I've made throughout the years. I am still not an owner myself but my roommate whos one of my best friends is. He lets me have fun whenever I want when his 2 great danes are in the mood, and I help care and treat them as if they were my own dogs. Through him and other friends I've made I have met new friends and new experiences as well. I know my goal is to have a horse of myself. When that happen those friends I've made have a WAY better chance of coming over some some extra fun on the side rather than some dude who has 10 post all saying "Looking to owner whos animals fuck" and then complains how he hasn't found anyone a week later.