Report dialog update?


Staff member
@FloofyNewfie is it possible to update this dialog to either:
1. Have a different message?
2. Have a pre-filled hint on reporting?
This would be a stack overflow or bug report approach basically which are concepts proven to make people do better reporting. :D


You certainly know that people often have no idea how to make a report correctly.
So I would like this to have a pre-filled text or a hint next to the box saying something like:

I am pretty sure you have seen reports like:

"Fake account." Where the typical reaction is. -> Please provide evidence.

And mods can likely come up with other examples of equally unactionable reports which lack any sort of evidence which you can post below if you want.
You no likey my "idiot" on reports of people posting chat ids?
This would be a hint.
You can delete it and write your own text.
And in some cases where it is obvious like the chat ids the single word idiot report is ok.
@pes I can look around a little bit further, but I didn't see anything like that to adjust in the admin panel, and I tried searching for some solutions on the Xenforo forum, and the only thing I could find is an old outdated plugin that would allow for users to choose between some customizable predetermined options, but that's not what you're looking for. Although it would be kinda funny to put "Idiot" as one of the selectable options you could report someone for. Lol
Interesting, I'm a bit confused to the issue here. I've reported a few things with what I believed was an adequate 'explanation' with regard to the forum's rules. Is there a reason to make something that should be simple more complicated so that the 'clueless' don't have to think? There's already too much of this with 'surveys' these days...
@pes This is about the best I could do. I modified the language script for the report. Probably won't make much of a difference though, as I'm sure people will still issue super vague reports.

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