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Recently moved, and I think two of our neighbors are potentially zoo. How could I hint with plausible deniability as I "reintroduce myself"?

I haven't even the slightest clue how to drop otherwise innocent hints. Both own males, which I'm less interested in than female, but would still hope to at least have some zoo friends nearby, even better if neighbors or live nearby - any suggestions on how I should (carefully, obv) proceed?

Edit: our dogs are outside together every now and then, and a lot of all the neighbors dogs are all out at once. I always feel a bit awkward because everyone else is female with male dogs, except 1 or two, but one neighbor's lab shows clear attraction to human females. We've hung out about half a dozen times now and I'm more and more sure the more time we're all outside at once
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Lol both of mine unfortunately couldn't care less about it, one is old, and the other doesn't like it, so I respect my animals wishes abd only have them around for companionship. Wish for more, but not gonna push it on em

But their dog, while mildly hyper, seems to be hypersexual, especially for a neutered dog. And a lot of the behavior between the owner and the dog insinuates something's going on between them

I'm just trying to think of ways to subtly dropped the whole "hey, I'm zoo and I think it's safe to let you know."

But also have a believable out if they're either not up to be outed to a neighbor/ new acquaintance (or I read their interactions very wrong)

Sorry for all the edits, used voice to text and didn't catch the mixed up words till after
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Lol both of mine unfortunately couldn't care less about it, one is old, and the other doesn't like it, so I respect my animals wishes abd only have them around for companionship. Wish for more, but not gonna push it on em

But their dog, while mildly hyper, seems to be hypersexual, especially for a neutered dog. And a lot of the behavior between the owner and the dog insinuates something's going on between them

I'm just trying to think of ways to subtly dropped the whole "hey, I'm zoo and I think it's safe to let you know."

But also have a believable out if they're either not up to be outed to a neighbor/ new acquaintance (or I read their interactions very wrong)

Sorry for all the edits, used voice to text and didn't catch the mixed up words till after
It would be helpful if you could share what kind of behaviors are happening.
He frequently tries to mount any adult female he sees (she has kids, so I'm certain he's been throughouhly trained distinction if he's involved as I think, and he's pushed his nose into her and her room mate's crotch briefly on multiple occasions. Both she and her roommate are female.

Any time she approaches him he goes into "submission" though, flat on his back. Every other time you can see him starting to "peek" out of his sheath when he's on his back.

He sniffs my old dog's rear occasionally and has shown literally 0 interest in my female dog, yet acts that way with his owner and roomie, kinda makes me curious and believe one of my neighbors has similar proclivities and it'd be nice to have a friend like that, especially only a few doors down
He frequently tries to mount any adult female he sees (she has kids, so I'm certain he's been throughouhly trained distinction if he's involved as I think, and he's pushed his nose into her and her room mate's crotch briefly on multiple occasions. Both she and her roommate are female.

Any time she approaches him he goes into "submission" though, flat on his back. Every other time you can see him starting to "peek" out of his sheath when he's on his back.

He sniffs my old dog's rear occasionally and has shown literally 0 interest in my female dog, yet acts that way with his owner and roomie, kinda makes me curious and believe one of my neighbors has similar proclivities and it'd be nice to have a friend like that, especially only a few doors down
Is he intact? Some dogs do poke out of their sheaths if they are intact, but with the way he behaves...

Sadly I'm not the guy who can help you with this - I'm a socially awkward dude. Hopefully a person with normal social skills will chime in.
He frequently tries to mount any adult female he sees (she has kids, so I'm certain he's been throughouhly trained distinction if he's involved as I think, and he's pushed his nose into her and her room mate's crotch briefly on multiple occasions. Both she and her roommate are female.

Any time she approaches him he goes into "submission" though, flat on his back. Every other time you can see him starting to "peek" out of his sheath when he's on his back.

He sniffs my old dog's rear occasionally and has shown literally 0 interest in my female dog, yet acts that way with his owner and roomie, kinda makes me curious and believe one of my neighbors has similar proclivities and it'd be nice to have a friend like that, especially only a few doors down
Seems like a totally normal dog to me tho.
There are many many dogs that stick up their noses in women crotches, because that's just the doggy-way of getting to know someone. Human females do have a smell down there, which is interesting especially for male dogs.
I have been sniffed by alotta dogs. So this is not an indication of zoophile owners.

That "submission" thing also seems completely normal since he is a lab. Many labs show overexaggerated submissive behavior and his dong peeking out may just be general excitement. My dog also used to get hard everytime I came home. He was just excited to see me.

Dogs also smell each others rears often. So, also normal. Him being neutered may be the reason he doesn't show interest in females.
However, you describe that he is fond of humans and not dogs. This might indicate that he has some positive associations with human genitals or what.

I don't know man. If I was you, I'd get to know those people more before starting to indicate something zooey.
I have never tried to tell anyone I am zoo, but here's some basic common sense. Make it ABSOLUTE CERTAIN that they are zoo, because if they aren't and they become suspicious you are fucking your dog, you have just compromised yourself.
If he mounts and humps, probably means they nuetered him to stop that activity and are therefore not zoo. Just food for thought. I could be wrong, but are you willing to risk everything?
I'd also like to point out, that a penis poking out of a sheath, especially when the dog is on his back is a sign of nervousness, NOT arousal!
You know how even an angry dog wags his tail? Tail just shows the level of energy the dog has, it's not necessarily always a happy sign of happy energy.
Nervous male dogs tend to lipstick a lot. This is especially common with sighthounds, and dogs who are disciplined too hard and are full of frustration. I've seen whippets trembling from nervous fear with their penis poking out from the nerves. It's just a physical reaction they have no control over. Sometimes dogs lipstick when it's too hot, and in a lot of mastiff breeds, the skin of the sheath is just too loose and peels back when the dog sits down.

So yeah, lipstick does not equal arousal every time.