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Question: How different is porn and reality?

Folks, let me explain myself: curious as to know how different is the real stuff from what we get to watch in clips (not from members though). Have you watched something and went "hmm...that doesn't really happen" or "...that's really exaggerated"? Thoughts?
anytime i tried to watch any commercial crap involving a male dog, usual thoughts are along the lines of "i feel really sorry for the boy". especially when you can tell the human actor has no idea how to handle a canine penis so they resort to dildogging, shoving him around when he won't hump or when you see someone stroking him along the shaft (those usually go to "the boy must have been really sore the next day" when it's a woman with fucking claws instead of nail stroking him).

sometimes i kinda feel sorry for the human actor as well... you can see hints or even full-on disgust in their faces in many commercial craps (especially asian production)
I don't really like porn. I have never watched man/bitch porn, or man/mare porn either, so I am not really qualified to say anything about that aspect. But female/dog porn is not so good. I have never "dildogged" in my life and find it abhorrent to watch, mainly because it is abusive and only done for the viewing spectators. It is not realistic at all. Too often the dog seems either tired or forced into things. I normally drift into a little dream world all of my own when I am knotted. I also come from the knot (he is quite big!) pressing and stroking my g-spot...
not from members though
So commercial crap then.
Well that has very little in common with real life. :D
Almost no actress ever knows how to suck a dog, the human like sucking is wrong.
Dildogging is wrong.
Commercial porn uses fake cum (less often with dogs but it still happens), dog cum is not thick.
All the fake moans and acting for the camera is totally absent from real life.
All the stupid mishandling of the penis and flicking your tongue all around it, titfucking... none of that does anything useful or pleasant for the dog.
Real life sex is mainly about pleasing the animal and not the customer.
I find with man and bitch porn the main difference is how devoid of interaction from the bitch the vast majority of the porn is. Anyone watching man and bitch porn could be forgiven for believing a bitch just lays or stands there quietly the entire time while the human bangs away. While I imagine there are some bitches like that out there I've not had that experience. Every one of the thousands of bitch fucks I've engaged in has seen the bitch interact clearly with varying degrees of excitement, noise and movement with me usually having to let her have several crazy moments running around before things are finished. We're constantly moving around, swapping positions, I'm constantly reacting to her movements and excitement letting it guide when I should pound harder, slow up or when I know she just needs a moment to get some crazy out. Its passionate and utterly wild. Its a completely different world from what I see portrayed in porn.
The female is never like a dead fish in real life, but that's probably because respectable zoophiles don't drug their dogs.....
Dildogging was the thing 20 years ago, when bestiality porn first emerged as a popular porn ‘product’. Artofzoo is more realistic bestiality sex, with proper humping , no dildogging, and good full lipped dog dick sucking. I’m not advertising Artofzoo videos….just saying commercial porn has improved a lot recently… a lot more realistic !