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Question for the Men here. Do you ever get jealous?


Citizen of Zooville
Hey me with yet another dumb question Lmao

Guys you ever get jealous here on the forum with all the Dogs getting action?

Like knowing all these Women are getting K9 fucked and these Dogs living their best life?

Silly but just thought I'd ask! :LOL:
I'm to busy taking care of all my girls to care, if a human female ever wanted to join she'd have to book a time slot lol.
Hey me with yet another dumb question Lmao

Guys you ever get jealous here on the forum with all the Dogs getting action?

Like knowing all these Women are getting K9 fucked and these Dogs living their best life?

Silly but just thought I'd ask! :LOL:
Not at all, matter of fact I happy to hear woman and pups are getting it! From me I find it very enticing and exciting, women deserve all the pleasure they need.
Knot a chance with me, i want her to enjoy that intense pleasure that only a dog can give her and i would only ever seek to enhance those experiences for her. As intense and pleasurable as it is for her it is still only a small part of life. I'm confident in myself that i have plenty going on to make the right lady happy in so many other ways. Just not to knott 😜🐶
Personally i believe man and dog should compliment each other and make the perfect relationship. 😉
From what I understand, jealousy isn't too common. I've heard that in earlier times, husbands sometimes got dogs for their wives to keep them company while they were away so they wouldn't be tempted to have an affair. I'm not sure how common that was, but in earlier times it wasn't seen as such a big deal.
Hi @Red_Neptune , I'm jealous and I envy Dogs because in this day in age there getting the hottest females. I see these videos and wish I were the Dogs in the videos doing it with these hot females. Just saying.
Hey me with yet another dumb question Lmao

Guys you ever get jealous here on the forum with all the Dogs getting action?

Like knowing all these Women are getting K9 fucked and these Dogs living their best life?

Silly but just thought I'd ask! :LOL:

I only get a bit jealous iff i see couple's sharing this lifestyle together 😜, big wish of mine to be in a relationship like that 😀.