Not directly. The clitoris is important at the beginning of mating, the female feels with it whether the male is thrusting in the right direction and helps to penetrate in the right way.
After that, she receives direct stimulation during short-term movements.
And knotting. In knotting, the knot is further inside than the clitoris, but it senses the pulsation of the penis (of course, with her vagina too).
After knotting, the female controls the mating. She senses the male's pulsation and when the male's pulsation starts to slow down, the female stops her muscle contractions and this causes the male to sag, the knot becomes smaller and slips out.
If the male does not slow down, but the female feels that he has been with him for a sufficient time, she also stops pulsing and this causes the male to smaller and then slip out. If the male slows down very quickly, the female will make the male squirt more with new, stronger muscle contractions.
These mating behaviors can be mastered during sex with a female dog and sex with her will be amazingly wonderful, as if I were a wolf. The female dog accepts me as his dog, his wolf. Not for a human, but for a male wolf, a big wolf.

It's insanely enjoyable.
It's also terrible, because I really hate male dogs, it felt bad to write this text. I hate it when dogs mate, strong alpha male instincts and rivalry. Only I can mate, I'm the alpha male. Rrrrrrrrr.