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President Trump to sign animal cruelty bill into law, making it a federal felony

Skimmed it and didn't see reference to anything zoo related. If it's just about actual animal cruelty, there's no problem, right?
Skimmed it and didn't see reference to anything zoo related. If it's just about actual animal cruelty, there's no problem, right?
That's the way I see it. However, if you get caught it won't stop them from trying their new law against you. Even if you win it has just cost you your dignity, your reputation, and half your life savings.
There is already a thread about this subject:

There have been a lot of duplicate threads about this subject. As @knotinterested said, it's not clear that zoo sex is specifically banned -- but authorities could potentially go after zoos based on the broadness of this new law. Some, such as HSUS, have even suggested that online zoo forums may be targeted. So the question "will zoos be targeted by this new law?" remains unclear. Below is a quote from a news article:

"Tracie Letterman with the Humane Society says the PACT Act would prohibit bestiality when there is an interstate component such as online forums."

Many news sources, such as CNN, have claimed that this new law bans "sexually exploiting animals" (i.e. sex with animals), even though the bill does not appear to specifically ban it.

if true this man does have a heart

I don't think President Donald Trump "has a heart". He is being handed a bill and will probably sign it (as a matter of procedure). I don't think he is personally invested in the bill. He has shown no empathy for non-human animals (or humans) over the past few years. Also, the bill itself has major flaws, such as the fact that it continues to allow cruel, unethical practices (such as hunting and slaughter) to remain legal.
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I know you might be looking for a silver lining in such a dark time, but no...Trump doesn't care at all, he's not invested in the bill personally, unless he were to issue an Executive Order, which is extremely unlikely.

It's overwhelming to think, you know, zoophiles have existed since the dawn of history, yet no one has ever stood up for them, the closest person fitting this description being Hani Miletski.

Zoophilia truly is, in the words of one zoo, "one of the last great causes"...It impacts the legitimacy of all civil rights. It's advocacy will someday be one of the great chapters in our nation's, perhaps the world's history, at least that is what I believe...
I know you might be looking for a silver lining in such a dark time, but no...Trump doesn't care at all, he's not invested in the bill personally, unless he were to issue an Executive Order, which is extremely unlikely.

It's overwhelming to think, you know, zoophiles have existed since the dawn of history, yet no one has ever stood up for them, the closest person fitting this description being Hani Miletski.

Zoophilia truly is, in the words of one zoo, "one of the last great causes"...It impacts the legitimacy of all civil rights. It's advocacy will someday be one of the great chapters in our nation's, perhaps the world's history, at least that is what I believe...

I think one of the major problems is that socially, legally, and medically, zoo is not recognized as a legitimate sexual orientation, and it should be. Also, people's right to have sex with animals is not recognized either.
Of course, that's true.

I sometimes wonder if society can ever come to terms with accepting zoophilia...Some zoos have speculated, you know, since the anthropomorphization of animals is so ingrained into our culture, it is such a unprecedented mental barrier to leap. Society has accepted LGBT individuals, but zoophilia is much different, ESPECIALLY for those of us who are exclusive. Our worldview is on a different plane.