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My house is pretty secluded. I do like to go on "picknicks " in the woods. There is a creek that runs through my property that is rather romantic as doggy date spots go. The most daring spot I have ever had sex was right in the middle of town in broad day light.... I own a couple different vehicles. One is one of those big ford vans. The ones that don't have windows. When I have to go into town to get groceries and dog food and the like I normally drive this thing because I can load up so I don't have to come back for several weeks. I went in to early and got stuck waiting for an hour or so for the stores to open. My one dog Tank who usually accompanies on my trips started making eyes and flirting with me. So we slid into the back and went at it. There wasn't a lot of danger of getting caught directly. But his nails kept tapping and scratching rather rhythmically on the metal floor of the van LOUDLY. There was a guy siting several spots over that did look at me kinda funny when I got out re adjusting my clothes :)
Garage when I was younger.. it doesn't seem scary or dangerous, but it is when you have a parent that wants to know what you are up to every second..
My house is pretty secluded. I do like to go on "picknicks " in the woods. There is a creek that runs through my property that is rather romantic as doggy date spots go. The most daring spot I have ever had sex was right in the middle of town in broad day light.... I own a couple different vehicles. One is one of those big ford vans. The ones that don't have windows. When I have to go into town to get groceries and dog food and the like I normally drive this thing because I can load up so I don't have to come back for several weeks. I went in to early and got stuck waiting for an hour or so for the stores to open. My one dog Tank who usually accompanies on my trips started making eyes and flirting with me. So we slid into the back and went at it. There wasn't a lot of danger of getting caught directly. But his nails kept tapping and scratching rather rhythmically on the metal floor of the van LOUDLY. There was a guy siting several spots over that did look at me kinda funny when I got out re adjusting my clothes :)

That is quite funny and also very hot!
Did it outdoors, or at least having a very exposed angle on the place where we wash clothes, it was at late-afternoon early evening. Such a rush
My house is pretty secluded. I do like to go on "picknicks " in the woods. There is a creek that runs through my property that is rather romantic as doggy date spots go. The most daring spot I have ever had sex was right in the middle of town in broad day light.... I own a couple different vehicles. One is one of those big ford vans. The ones that don't have windows. When I have to go into town to get groceries and dog food and the like I normally drive this thing because I can load up so I don't have to come back for several weeks. I went in to early and got stuck waiting for an hour or so for the stores to open. My one dog Tank who usually accompanies on my trips started making eyes and flirting with me. So we slid into the back and went at it. There wasn't a lot of danger of getting caught directly. But his nails kept tapping and scratching rather rhythmically on the metal floor of the van LOUDLY. There was a guy siting several spots over that did look at me kinda funny when I got out re adjusting my clothes :)
If you ever need a lookout man i volunteer! ?
Mine has been in the backyard at a family gathering while they were all passed out drunk... at least I hope everyone was asleep. There has been also some public romps in some abandoned buildings next to a busy street at night, those were some of the most exciting and dangerous experiences I've had.
I once fooled around with a neighbor's male dog under a deck when I was still living with my folks. I was taking out laundry to hang when this beefcake trotted up and started getting frisky (not our first time ? ). We hid under the deck and fooled around until my dad came out looking for me since he could see the cloths line and only the upper part of the deck from where he was doing dishs. I held onto the big dogs collar and kept him held under the deck since he was still happily swinging and bouncing and told my dad a button fell off of my dress shirt and I was looking for it. He just laughed and went back inside. So that was the most risky place I had done things with a fella. Also, RIP extra button at the bottom of my dress shirt. I had to get rid of you so no one suspected a thing.
Back when my sister and I had first started messing around with the family dog we used to take him for long walks and go into the woods to have our fun. We almost got caught at least 6 times and we did it most of the time when our parents were gone and we knew they wern't coming home for a long time.
backed under the dog house at the bottom of the back porch steps with a buddies rott while he was passed out drunk one night
Years ago I got home early from school and I had several hours to play. The laundry room was the best place to fool around so it was time to share myself with our Akita, he was very frisky and loved to play. I had just gotten him hard and had had him in my mouth when my dumbass brother's friend started climbing into the freakin window. God he tasted so good. Well I had to rush the dumbass out and deal with him. And yes that ruined playtime.
As I'm sure most of us do not wanna get caught so we are in fact behind closed doors but...what if we are not behind those doors? Where is the most outrageous or daring spot you've been with you animal love. Mine has been in the back yard at night
Mm so knotty
Back when my sister and I had first started messing around with the family dog we used to take him for long walks and go into the woods to have our fun. We almost got caught at least 6 times and we did it most of the time when our parents were gone and we knew they wern't coming home for a long time.
So did both you and your sister share the dog at the same time on these walks?
Let a dog fuck my hand and just kept cumming. I was a teen and was in my mate's home while his family was having dinner in the room next door.
Usually I fuck my Newfie girl inside. But I have tried to fuck a Samoyed mix in a random field outside a developing middle-class neighborhood with a fellow zoo. And, I successfully fucked a Lab/Pit mix in the cab of a semi truck in the parking lot of a 24 hour Wal-Mart. xD
My ex wife and my active girlfriends only did it in the privacy of the house. So far never outside, certainly never near or around a public area.
My favorite is to take a roll of paper towels and go riding in the woods on the back of the form. My horse knows what's up when he sees the paper towels and is eager to go. We pick a spot on an old road or pumping station and get undressed. We screw like rabbits for an hour or so then it takes about half of that roll of paper towels to clean up so we can get dressed and go home.

The wildest one was when a young bitch in her first heat came through my front yard trailing a large pack of male dogs. I took her in the house, got naked, and smeared her scent on myself. I took her place with the pack from Friday afternoon to Sunday night. There are advantages to living out in the deep country. I ended up skipping work Monday because I was so swollen and sore.
My ex wife and my active girlfriends only did it in the privacy of the house. So far never outside, certainly never near or around a public area.
You've had multiple zoo women with you before? ?

I'm so damn envious of you right now!
Behind the bushes away from the park while jogging and confronting a stray pitbull. It was Sunday afternoon and there was nobody around to (safely) help me avoid potentially being attacked so I did what I had to do.
[QUOTE = "Wolfia, post: 151715, membro: 16166"]
Atrás dos arbustos, afastando-se do parque, correndo e enfrentando um pitbull perdido. Era domingo à tarde e não havia ninguém por perto (com segurança) para me ajudar a evitar possíveis ataques, então fiz o que tinha que fazer.
Conte me?
[QUOTE = "Ambergirl00, post: 153336, membro: 33316"]
Fiz isso no celeiro de pesquisas do meu pai e na sala de estar de uma casa onde às vezes sento
Pode me contar?
There were many places, in fact. Garages, sheds, forest, I think this is not unusual enough.
When I was doing military service, I was doing this with a bitch to the cabin of the 19ж6 radar station.
This was the only place where the two could hide at that moment in time. It was terribly uncomfortable, but I think it is quite unusual.
Eight years later, I suggested that my dog do this in the transport compartment of the IL-76, which was in the air. We flew from Moscow to Novosibirsk, and it so happened that we were completely alone in the compartment at that time, not counting the cargo.
But the dog categorically refused, so this case does not count.