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Pin a thread to this forum explaining


Citizen of Zooville
Most suggestions are a waste of time because they'll never be implemented. It would be good to warn users, and explain what kind of suggestions are implemented and the process that the mods/admins take.
There are dozens of pinned threads and a search function.
Underdoge a pinned thread will be read by about 1% of users. Look at the frequency of how to questions answered at length and dozens of times in the how to section pinned threads.
feels like most suggestion don't get implemented because they're dumb, self-serving or both. like the very common "make it mandatory for ppl to pick what gender they are" which really is just a thinly-veiled "i want to know which users to pester"

i don't thinking pinning what kind of suggestion might get a solid look at would help in any way... not to mention that it's not exactly possible to determine what kind of suggestion is good or bad until it's given.
I've seen a lot of suggestions that require site modifications and will not be considered for that reason. Many times the user is just told this in the thread.

There are unpopular suggestions that are rejected for the unpopularity but that's by no means all of them.
I've seen a lot of suggestions that require site modifications and will not be considered for that reason. Many times the user is just told this in the thread.

There are unpopular suggestions that are rejected for the unpopularity but that's by no means all of them.
Peruse the forums at length, draft up a post of all the dumb shit people shouldn't bother suggesting, post it, ask for it to be pinned, and if it is, it can be your sole responsibility to monitor the requests section to link people back to your thread if necessary, and to update it as needed with other dumb shit people keep suggesting that they shouldn't.

Then we all win. You get the thread you want and we all know what threads not to suggest. Except people won't read yours anyway, which is why dumb shit will be suggested and nauseum.
You're confusing dumb shit suggestions with what I'm talking about, valid suggestions that the mods cannot implement even if they wanted to. The suggestions forum is more a scam than not. People take their time to write suggestions so they might be implemented, but for most ideas that chance never existed. Pinning a thread is one of the very few things this forum can get done and how is that going right now?

If you think pinned threads aren't worth it because users will not read them, then why have them all over the place? Why have rules? Let's delete everything to save clutter. Delete old threads too. No one is going to use the search function to find them.

Or maybe we can continue with pinned threads and trying to help people the best we can.
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This entire forum is more a scam than not.
Then why are you still here?

you think pinned threads aren't worth it because users will not read them, then why have them all over the place?
Not a question I can answer as I don't have a say in them being here. I'm just speaking pragmatically about the situation.

Why have rules?
To break.
No one is going to use the search function to find them.
To be fair, the search function on this site leaves a lot to be desired.
I'm done holding my breath..

By this point anything that requires a mod install will be a no go. The forum is running an old version. Sorta like BF only they used the version from the 90s. Some suggestions could be permissions based, but ZT screwed that up mostly so touching it might break something.
A media gallery could be an idea to bring back. But look at the part when I mentioned ZT.
Unfortunately suggestions will just be ideas.

Thank sloppytac0 for being unreliable.