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Picture/Clip Post Magazine

We see a lot of veterans. It shocks and horrifies me that so many were barely out of their teens when they faced their first enemies. I have actually met two who were seventeen! As I get older, it hurts more to find young men of that age were willing to die (preferably not, live through) for a government's failures. Some, believe it or not, have reduced me to tears, recounting what they did at that age. I honestly think, we ought to work harder to do away with war, but human nature is, unfortunately, not like that, is it?
No, it isnt. Old men create wars. Young men die in them. It seems to be immutable. It's so cliche, its ridiculous, but the truth is, its true. Some of those 17 and 18 and 19 year-olds accomplish things that, if bullets were not flying around them, would STILL be superhuman. Which is why I quote that old song" Bless 'em All!" whenever Vets are mentioned. The men who were boys, the women who served at home and abroad, The Allies, male and female, All of them, from every damn war, and probably all sides. They didnt cause it....they just did the jobs they were given.

AE Houseman was a War Poet, who wrote of such men:
"These, in the day when heaven was falling,
The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling,
And took their wages, and are dead."

Heaven always seems to be falling, doesn't it?