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Picture/Clip Post Magazine

Reminds me of a sketch with Graham Chapman (I guess it was as a part of ‘Monty Pythons) where he is a man sentenced to death, and he has chosen for a bunch of topless women to chase him over a cliff. There was several nice views of this very lush women.
(I’ll try to find it)
Edit : the sketch is from “The meaning of life” - ‘Man executed by Jumping off a cliff chased by Topless Women’
I wondered why he fleed from those beautiful women - but then it dawned on me, Chapman was gay, and very open about it.
Seems you have to log in to YouTube to see it - I haven’t yet.
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One more Nostalgic Photo.....This operation was at the base of Mill Hill in town. They sold vents for crawls and attic spaces. But we always used to laugh coming down the hill into Wall Street because the sign was obscured just a touch by a light pole. If you put a pencil between you and the pic you'll see the funny.View attachment 595009
Sorry to interrupt, I haven’t succeeded to see any funny. Perhaps wrong pencil?
A solution please !
A bearded Vulture, which I just discovered is the same bird as the Lammergaier....The tail shape is unusual for a Bird Of Prey, and I think theyre the only Birds whose diet is 70-90 percent Bone. These guys must have SOME gut!
Strangely, their stomach acid is a pH less than 1! It begs the question, what are their stomachs made of?