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lol....Those guys do have a certain greed.....tell you though...If you get a hunk of orange peel and chuck it into a crowd of gulls one will grab it...fly a couple yards...drop it and another will grab it and repeat.....til every idiot bird in the group has had it at least once....sometime the whole process will start again.

It wont hurt them, because they won't eat it.....it tastes bad....but their own greed causes them to play keep-away sometimes for hours depending on flock size. I guess if enough folks did that the beggars would quit the thievery attempts. But it is funny to watch. Reminds me of a rugby match😉
It reminds me of the weekend in this house!
We know them as "Fruit Polos". Same as the mint variety, but fruit flavour. Strangely I haven't seen any since I was a child.
Never heard them called that, but that war changed a lot of little things, as well as the big ones....Even as late as the early 60s, the US was still importing candy from all over....Im aware of it mostly because my mother bought things shed liked as a kid.....Quality Street, and Licorice Allsorts....and a kind of Fruit pastilles that I still adore if I can find them...And Dad got hooked on Rolos while he was in Europe,also a Macintosh brand back then. I think M&M/ Mars has become a monster, and taken all the good imports out of play. Cadbury is one of theirs, unless you get it from Canada.
Candy politics. Jeez

Never heard them called that, but that war changed a lot of little things, as well as the big ones....Even as late as the early 60s, the US was still importing candy from all over....Im aware of it mostly because my mother bought things shed liked as a kid.....Quality Street, and Licorice Allsorts....and a kind of Fruit pastilles that I still adore if I can find them...And Dad got hooked on Rolos while he was in Europe,also a Macintosh brand back then. I think M&M/ Mars has become a monster, and taken all the good imports out of play. Cadbury is one of theirs, unless you get it from Canada.
Candy politics. Jeez

Oh, my gosh, Licorice Allsorts! I love them, I take them apart and eat the licorice last! I prefer Munchies to Rolos. I have to fight hard not to eat sweets! I love Fruit Pastilles, too. And Jelly Babies.